New bird mom here


New member
Jan 27, 2024
Utah, USA
Beakley (GCC)

I'm a new bird owner and I'm looking for some friends who can help guide me through this uncharted territory I'm in.

I'm Ember, and I have a (as of posting) 7 month old green cheek conure. Her name is Beakley (gender unconfirmed) and she has already stolen my heart and pooped all over it. I love her so much!

Currently, we live in a house with three adults and no children. We have two dogs, Garrus and Triss, who are very patient with their new goblin sibling. She has a decent sized cage full of toys in her own room. She has LED lights we use daily for about an hour or so and gets regular baths. She is constantly supervised when she is out of her cage (which is daily anywhere between 3-5ish hours). She always has access to fresh water, Rowdybush pellets, and daily chop. She is a spoiled little brat who would happily murder me for a grape 🥲

She recently got a clean bill of health from the local exotic vet so I hope I'm doing things right 😅 I still second guess myself every day and, yes, I do have those moments where I wonder if a bird was the right thing to get. But I know now that I love having her and am even planning to get a second one (maybe an Indian ringneck or an African gray) but that's not going to be for awhile. I want to bond with just Beakley for now. I'm excited to see how she grows over the years!

Anyways, I'll wrap this up. Please feel free to ask me questions or give me any advice (god knows I need it).

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Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are doing a great job so far! Beakley is a beautiful little bird ❤️. The only thing I would recommend is maybe doing some reading on this forum about conures and puberty/ hormones. For some conures it’s no big deal, but for some there is a dramatic ( but temporary) shift in personality that can come as a surprise to new owners. So glad you joined this forum; it is a place full of kind, helpful, and experienced people.
Ahhh your bird is so cute! You are doing great! Roudybush pellets are by far the best! I am very proud of you and your bird is so lucky! A good piece of advice is giving your bird 10-12 hours of complete darkness and silence to sleep. This will help your parrots behavior especially during hormonal season! Good luck!!
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Welcome to the forum! Sounds like you are doing a great job so far! Beakley is a beautiful little bird ❤️. The only thing I would recommend is maybe doing some reading on this forum about conures and puberty/ hormones. For some conures it’s no big deal, but for some there is a dramatic ( but temporary) shift in personality that can come as a surprise to new owners. So glad you joined this forum; it is a place full of kind, helpful, and experienced people.
Thank you for the warm welcome! I do think Beakley is going through puberty currently. She's been molting for a few months now (mostly just small feathers but now she's starting to lose her tail feathers). She can go from being super sweet and cuddly to a growling, biting brat lol So far it hasn't been anything crazy, but I would be lying if I didn't say my fingers have a few well deserved scars
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Ahhh your bird is so cute! You are doing great! Roudybush pellets are by far the best! I am very proud of you and your bird is so lucky! A good piece of advice is giving your bird 10-12 hours of complete darkness and silence to sleep. This will help your parrots behavior especially during hormonal season! Good luck!!
Thank you!! It's comforting to know things are going smoothly. I do try to give her lots of sleep. She has her own room she stays in that's dark and quiet. I work swings so my schedule is slightly off of hers. I put her to bed at 9 PM and let her wake up on her own since I don't usually get up until about 11 AM. I hope this is enough.
Thank you!! It's comforting to know things are going smoothly. I do try to give her lots of sleep. She has her own room she stays in that's dark and quiet. I work swings so my schedule is slightly off of hers. I put her to bed at 9 PM and let her wake up on her own since I don't usually get up until about 11 AM. I hope this is enough.
That’s awesome! Then I guess you’re set!!!
The only thing I would question.... you mentioned that you have LED lights that you turn on for about 1 hour daily... do the LEDs that you use supply UVA
and UVB light ? I kinda doubt it... avian sun lamps do supply UVA & UVB light .. and I have mine on timers that turn on at 8am and off at 8pm

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