August POTM Contest

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
August POTM Contest

Descendants of Dinosaurs

Have you ever opened the door of your parrot’s cage and instead of seeing your darling bird saw a dinosaur perched in the cage instead?


The present scientific consensus is that birds are a group of therapod dinosaurs that originated during the Mesozoic era.

Fossil evidence also demonstrates that birds and dinosaurs shared features such as hollow, pneumatized bones, gastroliths in the digestive system, nest-building and brooding behaviors.
Excerpt from, Origin of Birds by
Gerhard Heilmann & Wikipedia

Dinosaurs left to right: Dilophosaurus, T-Rex,
Brontosaurus, Velociraptor, and Triceratops.

And of course


Please enter a photo of your modern day dinosaur and tell us which known species of dinosaur he or she reminds you of and why. A dinosaur of your choice that isn’t pictured will be happily accepted.

Entries for this contest will be accepted until midnight August 28. The polls will be open from August 29 through August 31. The winner will be announced September 1st. The winner will receive a one year supporting membership and the winning photo will be on the PF’s front page for the month of September. Photos only in this contest, please. One submission per member. As always, Just For Fun photos and conversations are always welcome.

The Mod Team decided to do something different this month and make this month a group effort!
We are all sharing the fun, and are so excited for another fantastic month of entries!


Terry: My example is Dactyl/Pterodactyl because of the bristles on his face. I also think he would disown me if I didn't pick him:)


Allee: My example is Harry/Velociraptor. I know she’s a direct descendant of the velociraptors by the way she hunts her prey, she’s a very clever girl, she hides and stalks me then launches a full on attack when I’m least expecting it. Stealth, speed and no fear.

Scott: My example is Squeaky/baby Archaeopteryx, a "transition between non-avian feathered dinosaurs and modern birds." Guess he's patiently awaiting food from his human servant.


Enjoy the contest!

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I have the perfect picture of Jacob looking like a T-Rex, I often call him a T-Rex as sometimes he gets over excited and has what I call a T-Rex mode where you'd get your finger chomped off if you went close. His T-Rex mode is when he gets all hyper, usually his face turns pink from excitement and he attacks any toy in sight.

Here is my entry (Jacob innocently chewing his plastic boats then suddenly the T-Rex face comes out):
What a GREAT Theme!! I Love This. :smile049:
Loving you dinosaur images as well.
My son is a huge dinosaur fan. He actually calls Levi, "Little AL" after the Allosaurus Dinosaur. When Levi is flying or playing on the floor he says, "there's a dinosaur on the loose" ... haha :D (my son has special needs) The 1st day I brought Levi home my son said, 'It's a dinosaur'. :eek: He knew right away, it was awesome!!
I have the perfect picture of Jacob looking like a T-Rex, I often call him a T-Rex as sometimes he gets over excited and has what I call a T-Rex mode where you'd get your finger chomped off if you went close. His T-Rex mode is when he gets all hyper, usually his face turns pink from excitement and he attacks any toy in sight.

Here is my entry (Jacob innocently chewing his plastic boats then suddenly the T-Rex face comes out):

Wow, I'll say, that is clearly a scary dinosaur look. Great picture. :)
Here are some animated GIFs of Jacob being a T-Rex just for fun, sorry I can only link em so that you have to click the link.

Jacob's opinion on Broccoli:

Jacob's opinion on a piece of banana:

Jacob unleashing the full T-Rex while playing ball, he actually hit the camera with his beak:

Love the gifs of Jacob in full T-Rex explosive mode! You can see his face redden, sure sign of anger and vengeance delivered via fierce beak!
I have the perfect picture of Jacob looking like a T-Rex, I often call him a T-Rex as sometimes he gets over excited and has what I call a T-Rex mode where you'd get your finger chomped off if you went close. His T-Rex mode is when he gets all hyper, usually his face turns pink from excitement and he attacks any toy in sight.

Here is my entry (Jacob innocently chewing his plastic boats then suddenly the T-Rex face comes out):

This picture of Jacob couldn't be more perfect for this month's theme! I love the look on his beautiful face.
What a GREAT Theme!! I Love This. :smile049:
Loving you dinosaur images as well.
My son is a huge dinosaur fan. He actually calls Levi, "Little AL" after the Allosaurus Dinosaur. When Levi is flying or playing on the floor he says, "there's a dinosaur on the loose" ... haha :D (my son has special needs) The 1st day I brought Levi home my son said, 'It's a dinosaur'. :eek: He knew right away, it was awesome!!

Little Al, I love that! I bet your son loves having a dino in the house!
Kiwi is super super excited about this month! He considers himself a direct descendent of t-Rex:D

Another fun dinosaur fact: dinosaurs evolved air sacs for respiration long before flight (theories range from being able to grow larger due to lighter bones or a possible adaptation to a lower oxygen environment in the early Triassic as a result of the earth still recovering from the Permian extinction event).

Oh and I’m glad to see Terry’s Dactyl has made an appearance. He is perhaps the most dinosaur looking bird on the forum!
Amazing theme! Love the example photos, there brilliant! :D
I wasn’t around much last month so missed out. Hopefully Sunny will show me his best dinosaur pose so I can join into this months!
Kiwi is super super excited about this month! He considers himself a direct descendent of t-Rex:D

Another fun dinosaur fact: dinosaurs evolved air sacs for respiration long before flight (theories range from being able to grow larger due to lighter bones or a possible adaptation to a lower oxygen environment in the early Triassic as a result of the earth still recovering from the Permian extinction event).

Oh and I’m glad to see Terry’s Dactyl has made an appearance. He is perhaps the most dinosaur looking bird on the forum!

Looking so forward to seeing Kiwi's photo this month! I never tire of looking at pics of gorgeous Kiwi.
And Dactyl & I thank you, I knew immediately I had to pick him:)

Amazing theme! Love the example photos, there brilliant! :D
I wasn’t around much last month so missed out. Hopefully Sunny will show me his best dinosaur pose so I can join into this months!

I'm sure the incredibly photogenic Sunny will give you the perfect pose for this month!
All I can say about Jacob's vids are...OMG!!!!:eek::eek: lol

One of Frankie's nicknames is "Too-Rex". Here he is demonstrating why he reminds us of a T-Rex.



No Dinosaur... :D BUT... KISE, the Princess BRAT, got BUSTED!!!! :XD ^_^

Kise has been doing really well with her diet... And getting her bright colors back!!! **DANCES**

I ran out off of space in her own foods storage..So I have to put somes outside the storage..

She just love her extra storage on her Texas freeze dried/treats.... :D :XD








This is SUCH a great theme! I really wish I still had my girls so I could try and catch them in Dino-Pose (because both of those ladies looked like they belonged in Jurassic Park on bad days!). 😂. I cannot wait to see all the modern dinos living in everyones’ houses.
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One of Frankie's nicknames is "Too-Rex". Here he is demonstrating why he reminds us of a T-Rex.

Sweet entry! Frankie is the cutest, fluffiest most adorable Too-Rex ever! Beautiful photo!
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No Dinosaur... :D BUT... KISE, the Princess BRAT, got BUSTED!!!! :XD ^_^

Kise has been doing really well with her diet... And getting her bright colors back!!! **DANCES**

I ran out off of space in her own foods storage..So I have to put somes outside the storage..

She just love her extra storage on her Texas freeze dried/treats.... :D :XD


Kise, your photos always make us smile! I think you may be a tiny bit confused about the theme, could you be thinking you’re a descendant of squirrels? I couldn’t find dinosaur fossil records of a food cache that compares to yours. One thing’s for sure, you have plenty of food to last through the winter or several.

Cute photos of Kise inspecting the contents of the pantry.
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This is SUCH a great theme! I really wish I still had my girls so I could try and catch them in Dino-Pose (because both of those ladies looked like they belonged in Jurassic Park on bad days!). 😂. I cannot wait to see all the modern dinos living in everyones’ houses.

Glad you like this month’s theme. If you still have photos of the girls you mentioned you’re welcome to enter one and post just for fun pics.

What an AWESOME theme!!! This is going to be full of amazing photos!!

Awww, thanks for the kind words! We’re looking forward to lots of fantastic entries.
Truly a Great Theme This Month!
In thinking of all the possibilities in which our famous Double Yellow-Headed Amazon, Julio, would fit!? Based solely on his ability to just appear from seemingly no wear. Surprise!!!
Mr. sneaky is clearly a Velociraptor (with the power bite of a T-rex)!
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