May 2024 POTM Contest

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Staff member
Super Moderator
Dec 9, 2021
Tony-Green QP(M)
Tom-Pineapple GCC(M)
Milly- Sparrow (F)
This months theme is our birds doing what they do best:

Being Silly!

The contest will run until May 29, a poll for voting will go up then and the winner will be announced June 1.
The winner will receive a Supporting Membership for one year; their photo will be displayed on the forum homepage as the winner of the month for May.
The winners photo will also be entered into the Photo of the Year Contest.
You’ll also receive a banner on your profile that says “Parrot of the Month”!!!

One official entry is allowed per person. You can post as many “Just for Fun” entries as you like though!
Be sure to specify which photo you want to be entered into the contest and which are just for fun.

Don’t forget to include your birds name too! And remember to follow the forums rules!

Some Examples!

Tom enjoying life upside down!

Tony making a grand escape!

Tom checking out sleeves! Gotta make sure nothings hiding in there!

Tony says ‘Gimme that phone mom!’

Good luck everyone and most importantly! Have fun!
Contest is up and running you guys!

And it looks amazing too, @zERo!! Congrats on your very first POTM, it's gonna inspire a bunch of fun and fantastic entries - seems it's already off to a flying start!!
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Just for fun, cause I just have a video! Rocky somehow got into some stickers while I was going thru the budget.
It was very lovely on him and he did get a big old cactus hug! Excuse my paper mess and my laugh, just thought this was funny!

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  • #9
Just for fun, cause I just have a video! Rocky somehow got into some stickers while I was going thru the budget.
It was very lovely on him and he did get a big old cactus hug! Excuse my paper mess and my laugh, just thought this was funny!

Oh my goodness! Such a funny video 😆
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Official entry
This is mango! He loves to play peek-a-boo from my sleeve. He is a little camera shy..
So adorable! Especially with the sunlight on his face! Which picture would you like to be entered into the contest?
Well, the Rb and I will go with this bit of silliness. He loves to hide in the hat tree stand... does it at least once a week and is SHOCKED when he is quickly discovered. I usually let him "hide" for a while but eventually he has to come out. He is absolutely still, maintaining his pose even after being poked and having his beakie tapped. He has to be physically pried* out, wing by wing, pink foot by pink foot, all the while remaining stubbornly rigid, UNCHARACTERISTICALLY SILENT, keeping the deception to the last. Now that's SILLY!

*I am informed that the correct spelling is PRISED! Thank you!

hat tree pre.jpg
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Well, the Rb and I will go with this bit of silliness. He loves to hide in the hat tree stand... does it at least once a week and is SHOCKED when he is quickly discovered. I usually let him "hide" for a while but eventually he has to come out. He is absolutely still, maintaining his pose even after being poked and having his beakie tapped. He has to be physically pried out, wing by wing, pink foot by pink foot, all the while remaining stubbornly rigid, UNCHARACTERISTICALLY SILENT, keeping the deception to the last. Now that's SILLY!

View attachment 59196
It took me forever to find the arrow! What a good hider he is:)
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