Backpack for a brown-headed parrot


New member
Aug 9, 2011
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Merlin the brown-headed parrot
We want to start taking walks with Merlin to get him used to being outdoors with us. In a couple of years, we want to buy an RV and travel across Canada with Merlin. I have read a lot of info on the Web and on this forum, I am pretty much decided on getting a Pack-O-Bird but I have no idea which size to get.

We want to use the backpack on outings obviously, but it would also serve as the traveling cage while we are on the road. I want Merlin to have enough room to enjoy spending time in the backpack without going over board. We would have a mid-size cage for him to spend time in when the RV is parked at a destination.

To all of you with similar sized parrots and backpacks, what brand of backpack and what size of backpack are you using? What do you have inside the backpack along with you fid?

You will love the Pak-O-Bird, the Cadillac of parrot backpacks. We LOVE ours! A Medium would be the right size for your BHP, we use it for our Yellow SHoulder Amazon, Salty. He is like 1/2 the size of a Double YellowHead 'zon, about 320 grams.
They are so versatile, like a Swiss Army Knife of backpacks, and they un-zip so you can totally lie it flat for cleaning. THey are made in Brooklyn, NY, I watched them actually make mine !
Pak-O-Bird has AMAZING customer service! They also ask what species bird you have when you order so that they can make sure you're ordering the right size.

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