BEST parrot pellet diets


New member
Dec 23, 2014
Green Cheek Conure, Quaker Parakeet
my two birds are currently eating tropican pelleted diet. opinions? Is there possibly a better pellet. i know Harrisons is a quality brand.
Yes, Harrison is good, TOPS also. Just keep in mind, you are giving breakfast bars, how would you feel eating nothing else! No, I am not a chop person, too much for me to handle! But my JoJo does get 4 types of pellets, sprouts, some veggies, shares my breakfast (chia,flax,hemp seed). I keep different food at each play spot, this seems to work well! Oh ya, I just added nutriberries!
Zupreems is another good brand, I believe. A lot of the people believe a 100% pellet diet is simply a fortified cereal diet with no milk, so add variety! Besides, what's healthy for you is going to be healthy for you with the exception of avocados and onions. Yes, SPICY PEPPAHS are super healthy for them! I suggest giving them some fresh fruits and vegetables here and there. Some raw noodles, some (COOKED!!!) beans, etc.

That, and yes, Harrison's is supposed to be great because it's human grade food. USDA Organic. :)

EDIT: Because it's organic, Harrison's can be a bit pricier than other brands.
I have been told harrisons by many here. When i first took angel to my local avian vet, he has been working with birds for 20 years, and he thinks harrisons is the best. So that is what i will stick with.

Just one opinion, it does seem harrisons has a good reputation though.

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