Best parrot


New member
Oct 11, 2006
Hi, I am looking into getting a parrot and I am trying to decide which is best for me.

-I am not looking to spend more than $300-400 on the bird
-I dont want it to be screaming all the time
-I want it to be nice
-I want it to be able to be handled alot
-I would like a colorful one, but whatever suits me best...

Those are the standards for a bird if I were to get one (highly likely). So please point me in the right direction!!!
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Thanks alot! I am mainly looking at the Quaker that you showed me. What about the Mini Macaw? Are they any good? Also, are their any other types of birds that somewhat meet my criteria? Thanks so much!
I'm fixing to get a green cheek conure they sound like they might fit your criteria the yellow sideds are beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!
binaryterror said:
Hi, I am looking into getting a parrot and I am trying to decide which is best for me.

-I am not looking to spend more than $300-400 on the bird
-I dont want it to be screaming all the time
-I want it to be nice
-I want it to be able to be handled alot
-I would like a colorful one, but whatever suits me best...

Those are the standards for a bird if I were to get one (highly likely). So please point me in the right direction!!!

First off Welcome to the Parrot Forums, I hope you enjoy yourself here and join in and have fun.

Can't help you with the cost of birds, as not sure what you are able to get for that money over there. (Im in the UK)

To go through your points (please forgive me I don't want to come across as being nasty here but here goes)

All birds have the ability to scream, and will do at some point.

All Birds can and will be nice if you spend time and effort, sometimes a lot of effort needs to be spent with them.

If you get hand tame you should be able to handle them straight away, if they are not then you will have to spend some time getting them used to the hand.

When you say colourful, do you mean they colours of the birds or their characters, do you want more than one colour on them??

Are you looking for a large small or medium sized bird,

Just wanted to point those things out, I'm really not trying to come across as being nasty and I do hope that it doesn't.

Have you thought of spending some time in pet shops/breeders or rescue centres that have birds, that way you will be able to see the birds and what sort of things they are likely to get up to. Once you have found a bird you like then do research on it. Saying all of that (wish I'm sure you'd thought about anyway) I wish you luck and please let us know how you get on. And what type of bird you decide on.
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Thanks, and I dont find your post offensive at all! Only helpful! I realize they can all scream, but I dont want one that is going to be screaching all day long. I would also like one that can talk well. So that should narrow it down. And I would prefer to have a medium or large bird within a reasonable price. Thanks!
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And I am looking for a bird with lots of color as in feathers. I have beenn to the pet stores, but they mostly only have Lovebirds and Parrakeets. Sometimes a Macaw, or a Cokatoo.

What about the Sun Conure? They are BEAUTIFUL!!!

And how much do African Greys cost? I would get a AG depending on the cost.

What is the cheapest full sized parrot like a macaw?
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Here is a good site for info on the sun conure. They are certainly very beautiful.

Hope these help. I have seen a very big price difference ranging from $300 - $850 so it may be wise to check around your area and see if you are able to find a better price. Let us know what you finally decide on.

The last link has some wonderful pics of some baby conures.

Here is another link I just found.

Don't be alarmed by the fact that they say that many conures become screamers, its really if they feel neglected. But all birds will be screamers if they feel neglected.
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Thanks for all of those link! I will be reading them all night. And birdcrazy, what type of bird is that! I want one!!!

Anyways, I am still not sure on a bird. I heard that they can get smelly, and really loud. And wherever I put the cage (in my room or the basement), a loud bird will be really distracting.

But, I found a Sun Conure breeder in Ohio for $400!!! I am emailing them now.
binaryterror said:
Thanks for all of those link! I will be reading them all night. And birdcrazy, what type of bird is that! I want one!!!

Anyways, I am still not sure on a bird. I heard that they can get smelly, and really loud. And wherever I put the cage (in my room or the basement), a loud bird will be really distracting.

But, I found a Sun Conure breeder in Ohio for $400!!! I am emailing them now.

I have 10 birds here and can honestly say that I've never known them to be smelly, :confused: My grey has a kind of a talc smell, and the little guys all have their own distinct smell but its not a nasty smell.

Yes a loud bird can be very distracting and you want to scream sometimes but if you have the time and they are kept stimulated they shouldn't become too loud. They will try it on but if you completly ignore them they soon stop. My grey will have a loud time when he want attention but as soon as I ignore him he soon quietens down.
that bird in my avatar is a cockatiel - the sweetest little bird ever! not very loud at all but not very colorful. I paid 100 for her and she was handfed. Where in the US do you live here in Texas I know a breeder where you can get a handfed baby sun for 225 and another place for around 275. I am getting my green cheek baby from a breeder who has normals for 125 and yellow sideds for 200 she also has the brilliant red suns so I can give you her email if you wanted to look into price.
Our little girl tiel is such a sweetheart, doesn't make much noise at all, Our male however is a different matter, he has mastered the phone ring, the door bell, and says night night. He has the evening song which just goes on for the longest time, but its not loud. When he's quiet thats when we know he's up to no good. ;)

Pics of Gemini Leo.
hey, how is your bird searching going? I would just like to say and no offence meant but reading alot of your comments I think you really need to think a bit harder before getting a pet parrot. You must understand you cannot buy one that has a checklist you simply fill out and have a happy healthy parrot. All the things you want from your pet are up to you. The time,effort and love you give your parrot will determine just how happy and loving he or she will be. They are all individuals and all magic creatures that deserve the best we can give them, Good luck. Regards Bill.
Hey Peta I have been good. Really busy with work and all that sort of stuff. How have you guys all been? I just had to comment because like all of us I have a very deep passion for parrots and want them to all have happy,healthy lives and feel that education is the best way to acheive this.
Well everyone here is good, and as you can see we are getting more members which is great, Alison hasn't been around much as she has bought a pet store and is getting that all ready and done up. She has her work cut out for her. Hey post away, we all need, I think, both sides of things. Good and bad if we are thinking of buying birds. Most breeders and pet stores will tell you the good points and forget about the bad, and by that I mean the mess, the time they need from us etc. While I don't particularly find them bad but for someone who hasn't got birds it comes as a bit of a shock.

A friend of mine bought a couple of tiels a while back and only had them for about a month before she rehomed the poor little things, because of the food throwing. :mad: That makes me so darn mad I could scream. Think she thought they would be happy in the cage 24/7 and just sit there and be happy. As we all know that is NOT the case.

So in my opinion both sides of the story is good. :D It makes for happy humans and happy birds.
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Hey again, do you guys know about the Rainbow Lorikeet? I was just at the zoo, and they came up and were sitting on my hand eating the nectar from a cup. It was the coolest thing ever! It made me positive that I want a bird!

But now I just found out about the Parrottlet! they are tiny, and supposidly not loud. They also are somewhat colorful. What do you guys think on them?

Oh, and I live in Ohio. Also, about the cockateils, they do seem pretty neat. And since they are so readily available...

birdcrazy: I would really appreciate if you could give me that email. Does she ship at all?
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The rainbow lorikeet is an amazing bird, I met one when I was at Bird World this Summer, he was talking up a storm. Its not one I would recommend as a first bird though.

Parrotlets, well they are a small bird, but the saying is they are a large bird in a small body,

Another small bird is the Lineolated they are wonderful birds, I don't know I've got my two they are so quiet, The only thing with them is they are so darn quick lol but beautiful all the same.

There is some great info there, also the different colours that are available now.

As with any bird the most important thing before you get them is doing research on the one that you finally decide on. Its not easy when there are so many wonderful birds out there.

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