BFA/ZONS Hormonal Season Advice!


New member
Jun 9, 2015
Bella the BFA
Hi everyone.

As you know I recently got a BFA baby. I have been stalking.... the amazon forum >.< I have read a lot about the Spring time when all the birds go crazy for some loving and their teenage years... (hormones)

I would love it if anyone whose dealt and overcome the battle of their zons teenage hormonal years to tell me what I should expect in the next few years with my baby Bella. Also it would be great to get in details ^.^

I would like to prepare for a war in a few years haha. I heard that females are less aggressive than males but I don't know if that is true because according to some threads females can be just as bad?

I also read about spring time when they rub their butts on their parront or toys for some you know... hehe

Look at bird mans thread at the top body language that will help u a lot
Jersey Wendy any chance of a picture of ur DYHA magna plz
He is beautiful so much yellow how old is he. The parents I'm getting mine off are so much like him but he says there just normal DYHA if my baby turns out anything like hrs I'd be really happy thanks Wendy
Luckily for you, your little BFA won't experience hormonal behavior for at least another 4-6 years:) You'll have that time to bond and enjoy your bird as a juvenile before she becomes a "teenager". One thing you will find is that once your bird hits puberty, the first few years will be the worst (kind of like human teenagers!) before she calms down a bit and the hormonal behavior becomes much more manageable. Of course, every bird is an individual, but yes, males tend to get a bit more aggressive, while females tend to be a little more 'relentlessly amorous'. I've dealt with both, and to be honest, it's one half dozen to the other on which is 'worse' lol. In fact, I have a lot easier time dealing with Kiwi's aggression (clearly 'unacceptable' behavior he can and will get a time out over) than I did my moms female DYH's lovey stuff (it's natural, and it's kind hard to ignore yet not really something you can discipline for either). When we first adopted Kiwi, he would do "humping displays" and I found those very hard to ignore and not unintentionally encourage (thank god he realized THAT was going nowhere and we haven't seen that in a few years!). At the end of the day though, so long as you've put the effort into training her, socializing her and bonding with her in her 'formative' years, the hormonal behavior will be manageable in the future. The ones who get unmanageable are the ones who weren't raised right. We got Kiwi at his peak of puberty and he was never handled/socialized/loved prior. Boy was that fun! (not).
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like Kiwibird said, well socialized zons don't have that bad of hormonal issues. It's the "one person " birds that are a unholy terror. Socialize,socialize and socialize some more.

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