Big baby


New member
Apr 6, 2016
Hi I have a 5 month old male eclectus...overall great bird no screaming or plucking just a joy....the only thing is he doesn't want to wean!!! I'm trying to wean him to a pellet diet with fresh fruits and veggies he picks at at but doesn't really seems as if he just crushes the pellets up and don't eat can I make it an easier transition....I think I've babied him too long and missed the window for the easier transition...what do I do...


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Jul 20, 2012


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Super Moderator
Dec 18, 2013
Maya (Female Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Jolly (Male Solomon Island eclectus parrot), Bixby (Male, red-sided eclectus. RIP), Suzie (Male cockatiel. RIP)
Great links from Wendy, and she's absolutely right about some birds taking longer to wean than others. In his prior home, Jolly actually took a full 7 months to be fully weaned. And Bixby took around 4 months. It's an individual thing.

Just make sure to keep providing a variety of fruits and veggies at every meal. It may seem like a waste at the moment, but you have to be persistent with this. It will eventually pay off.

Oh, I'd also recommend that you try offering his solid foods before offering formula. Like, if you'd usually serve his formula at 6:00, try offering the solid food at 5:00. Birds are a lot more willing to try things when they are hungry. He might only pick at first, but eventually he'll start taking more substantial bites and the formula will be relegated to supplementary status. And then one day, he'll refuse it altogether.


New member
Feb 9, 2015
Atlanta, GA
SI Eclectus (Ruby) - 11 / Eclectus (Wrangler) - 7 / Eclectus (Pinto) - 6 /
Red Sided Eclectus (Oliver) - 4 mos. /
White Bellied Caique (Dan) - 2 /
Foster Congo African Grey (Molly) - 6
This resource completely changed my view and knowledge of the Eclectus dietary needs.

Drizzling a small amount of coconut oil over Persephone's fresh veggies made her a voracious eater. She went from a cruddy seed/pre-packaged food diet to 95% fresh food literally overnight.

Some great information has already been shared above and hopefully the site I linked will help you better understand what to feed and WHY. ��

Congrats on your precious baby and wishing you both an easy time moving forward.

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