Big Old Baby Vulture


Supporting Vendor
Oct 9, 2016
Middle of nowhere (kentuckianna)
Roommates include Gus, Blue and gold macaw rescue and Coco, secondhand amazon
My parents have an old grain bin on their property that's just used for storage and not frequently accessed. A few years back, a pair of turkey vultures decided it would be a good nest site. Here's a picture of one of their two babies in the floof stage. It's a Flickr link, so I'm hoping it will work without clicking...

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Hmmm, Adult Content and a sign in with one's email address!

So, what are those Baby Vultures doing?:D

Edit: Thanks for changing the Link! It was odd to see a statement: "Adult Content" to a reference of baby Vulture! What a fuzz ball!
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Hmmm, Adult Content and a sign in with one's email address!

So, what are those Baby Vultures doing?:D

It's just lying there being a floofy baby vulture.

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Adult content eh?:eek::16::27: No flicker account so I guess I can't se the baby vulture:( I really like vultures too.
Adult content eh?:eek::16::27: No flicker account so I guess I can't se the baby vulture:( I really like vultures too.

same here.

not everyone uses these new fangled social media things.
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Sorry, live and learn. I thought maybe it would be a way to not fill up my limited photo space, but this one is worth it. I edited the initial post to insert the picture, but here it is again:
I have a Flikr account but forgot the ID I used (this was years ago)...
Tried to make a new account but apparently I am trying to use the same name(s) but can't recall the password or email. Could somebody be an angel and re-post, lest I create yet another account that will confound me in the future????
There it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be stil my heart! Baby vultures floofing!
Is the baby napping in the photo then? What species of vulture is it? There used to be a tree in my childhood neighborhood that for, whatever reason, would attract large amounts of turkey buzzards at certain times of year. Sometimes there would be 12-15 of them perched in that tree! Not the most, uh, attractive birds out there but they truly serve a vital role in healthy ecosystems.

FYI: If anyone else is a fan of vultures, this site has the most adorable vulture info/stuff!
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It was just hunkered down right inside the door and paid no attention to me at all. I took a quick photo and closed the door again. Did you see those feet! And that big old beak and black feathers under the flood? Was about half full size. We have them living in the abandoned house across the street now, but the place is too rotten to try for another photo.
an episode of American Pickers ran across a baby vulture in a barn.
I did not realize that they nested on the ground.
Thanks for the picture.
I can't say they look all that pretty up close... But soaring in the air they are majestic creatures that serve a useful purpose.

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