Bingo update


Supporting Member
Parrot of the Month 🏆
Oct 23, 2015
1 YNA (Bingo)
1 OWA (Plumas R.I.P.)
1 RLA (Pacho R.I.P.)
2 GCA(Luna,Merlin) The Twins
1 Congo AG (Bella)
5 Cockatiels
I don't post about Bingo very often. Usually I am mentioning him in relation to Luna and Merlin.

Bingo 8-22-20 by wes mcfaden, on Flickr

I have lost some ground with Bingo.
Bingo was on my shoulder and I did some things that I should not have done with him so close. He bit me very hard on my ear.
I could not help my immediate reaction which was to reach up with my right hand and grab my ear (without thinking about the bird that was in the way). It wasn't until my hand encountered Bingo (and not my abused ear) that I realized what the source of my pain was.
I managed to get Bingo off my shoulder but he is now scared of my right hand. My ear had only superficial damage and a bit of blood. Took 2 weeks to stop hurting .

I don't know what to make of the dynamics of Bingo and Merlin's relationship.
Yesterday I held merlin about 6 inches in front of bingo no cage bars in between. Merlin was excited about it. The feathers in his face expanded out eyes pinning and vocalizing. Bingo just looked.... mildly interested.
Luna was unhappy watching this.

Have to cut this short.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Major miss-step good friend!

Move Bingo off to some separate one on one time with tons of I'm so very sorry Bingo. I'm so very sorry.... etc, etc, etc. etc. Plus Bingo gets a ton of make-up goodies, etc, etc, etc. Time to LOVE on the Bingo'

Groveling also helps! :D:D:D


Well-known member
Apr 14, 2015
Amy a Blue Front 'Zon
Jonesy a Goffins 'Too who had to be rehomed :-(

And a Normal Grey Cockatiel named BB who came home with me on 5/20/2016.
Sorry for your unfortunate circumstances Wes my friend,alot of us know the chomp of an Amazon :eek:
I agree with 'Boats,some one-on-one time with Bingo will do wonders to help rebuild his trust.
When Amy and BB are out together,Amy HAS to be near/next to him,always. So if BB is on my shoulder or on the couch/chair back,Amy HAS to join,which gets me nervous because Amy thinks of BB as HIS property and will get aggressive with me if BB is close to me. Even when I go to BB's house to get his bowls,if Amy is out at the time as I approach BB's house Amy flairs his rudder,poofs up his face and will RUN towards me...lunging at me..just because I'm at BB's house doing things.
If they are both out at the same,if Beebs is with me,Amy will climb down his house and walk over to me and try to climb my pants leg or chair to get to him,he doesn't do that any other time.
Sometimes I take BB into my bedroom and watch tv while Amy hangs out on his playpen as David watches tv. BB will fly from my room down the hall to the livingroom and onto Amy's play area. Amy can hear him coming and will yell out HELLO! HOW ARE YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? and some Amazon speak as BB lands on the play pen. I'm very fortunate that Amy shows zero aggression towards the little boy and Beebs has no problems hanging with Amy...when he is tired of it,he just flies to me. I'm kind of lucky Amy doesn't fly or he'd be flying after BB:eek:

But I do do the one-on-one thing with taking him for rides in the car and going places. I don't take BB out because he flies. I tell Amy this is "our" time together,just me and him and I think he understands that coz he is always the sweetest of fids...sometimes I ask him what has he done with the real Amy ;) some one-on-one with Bingo..I think it'll help rebuild your relationship. I try to get Amy out,if not for a ride,just outside so he can walk in the grass and munch on grubs and leaves and twigs.


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