Bird Cages & Room Decor


New member
May 13, 2017
I was just curious if anyone here had any pictures or tips they'd like to share on how they tie their bird cage into the rest of their room decor!

I have my green wing macaw's cage in my living room. Which is great because we get to spend all the time we want together, but I'm stumped interior design wise on how to make it look like it belongs in the room.

I can't wait to see everyone's clever ideas!
Haha good luck with that! Me too! Great thread idea though :D
Well, I'm no interior designer and with a serious case of color blindness, I have very little to offer as far as decorating a cage to match a living room. What I can offer you is a bit of insight into living with a Parrot. Whatever you place on the cage or within it will be come very small, commonly very quickly! So, although you could select toys with a color that matches other stuff in the room, just remember it will not stay that way for very long.
Ha Ha! Good question. I am a minimalist and decor is black grey and white all through the house, so I have a real problem and have no idea why I chose to home a bird, even my dog is black.

At first I struggled with the concept and looked at other set ups with horror. My answer was to tie the cage with the house so it's dark grey with the intention of furnishing it with natural colour toys, but then realising the responses my little chap made to different colours bit the bullet and kept all the kaleidoscope within the cage so it stands as a statement piece by itself.

I made a play stand that fits into the top of the cage when open and is light enough to carry around often with Syd perched on it which is again full of colour. But when it's not in use it is put away out of sight - I did say I'm a minimalist!
Does that mean buying a parrot to fit the room or does the room fit the colour of the parrot?
LOL Surely you can't colour match the bird or you'd lose it against the paint colour! I've heard of people fading into the wallpaper rather than stand out in a crowd, but Parrots don't strike me as being that way.
choose a rainbow palette for the rest of the decor :D
I struggled with this too. If you asked my husband, I have serious OCD issues with order and perfectionism (I just think of myself as a tidy person though:p) and being in less than visually appealing or cluttered spaces really stirs up my anxiety a great deal. It's hard to incorporate parrots into your decor in such a way that is healthy for them but also looks nice to us. They are certainly not the most decor friendly critters despite their beauty:p First off, his area is his, our areas are ours. I chose the shortest wall in the living room and the adjoining corner for his area. There is nothing in that area but parrot paraphernalia and besides a swing by the window (on the opposite side of the room) ALL his stuff is confined to his area and ALL his stuff has a specific place to be stored in his area to keep it as neat and tidy as possible. Toy storage, paper storage, nighttime cover storage, cleaning supplies EVERYTHING. No homeless parrot stuff bleeding into the rest of the living room making everything cluttered. When he's uncovered, cover goes in the bin, when I swap out a toy, it goes in the storage cart. He already makes a giant mess, I don't need to contribute further by leaving his stuff laying about. I hung a big custom printed shower curtain with a jungle scene behind his cage. I'l link below, but they aren't that expensive and look awesome! This both protects the wall with something easy to wash but also protects the thermostat and outlet on that wall. I have a big piece of board covered in easy to clean linoleum tiles under his cage/playstand to protect the cream color carpet and as a bonus, it further "defines" his area. I painted a big piece of scrap board leftover from the floor protectors and hung it in line from where the floor protector ends the create a visual end to his space. I also put his featherbrite lamp in a decorative fixture which looks a lot nicer than the stock fixture.

Safety, functionality and catering to the fact a bird lives there were my top priorities designing his area. My bird loves tacky colorful toys and I wouldn't take his favored forms of entertainment from him because it isn't the height of interior design. What I did do was keep the parts of the area he doesn't use nor care about (walls, floor, light fixture etc..) to pull in design elements and the #1 thing I did was keep his area his. He's happy and we're happy:)

And where to get the shower curtains. They have thousands of designs. I got the XL size to cover pretty much the entire wall:
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Good Lord, Julio's Mom, meets Kiwi's Mom - the only differences are the Amazons and cage style! Way too much backboarding going on! I kind of knew that the Amazons are, but that does not seem to be the only ties! :D

I once sneezed twice, when the second sneezed occurred, I noted that someone was already blocking, should something be moved a tiny bit. :D
Good Lord, Julio's Mom, meets Kiwi's Mom - the only differences are the Amazons and cage style!

I'm sure Julio's mom and Julio also have their own understanding about these matters:D
I don't keep the cages in the living room. I got two tree stands for the living room which I feel look much better. My entire house is done in greys, tans, creams with touches of wood decor with some bling. The tree stands work well with the living room and I'm so weird about it that I don't use newspaper for the trays. Only plain white packing paper. The cages are in our master bedroom and I bought two matching light grey cages. I feel like they are less of an eye sore and somewhat flow with the feel of the house.

ETA- I think my pink and grey birds also match my decor well. Lol
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