Bird suddenly hates my boyfriend, what can we do?


New member
Jul 24, 2023
None right now
Hi there. So after careful consideration my boyfriend and I got a 3 month cockatiel last October. We got her together and have been with her mostly equally since then. Some days I'm home and he's not and vice versa. Couple of times I went to school while he wasn't home, I left her with some music. Things had been going really well, but now suddenly she attacks him, either while sitting on shoulder or while on the hand. He can't offer her scritches anymore as she will just bite viciously, but with me she asks for them. He was out of town for almost a week the other day and this started happening after he came back. He's never done anything that might make her afraid, and he's the only person she's shown this aggression with, we've gotten guests (not recently tho except a friend of mine who used to own a cockatiel herself) and she had no issues with anyone. Is she becoming only a ladies lady? I haven't had the chance for other men to interact with her since this started, but she's coming with us to my parents house on Christmas, so then I could test with my dad and uncle.
Also she seems obsessed with me, I can't even go to the bathroom anymore without her trying to follow and screeching after me. I don't want her to become so dependant on only me, and it makes me worried that she doesn't like my boyfriend anymore. She was supposed to be our bird, not just mine.
This is something I'm unfamiliar with, I had budgies as a teenager and they were awesome.
What can we do to correct this behavior? I feel so lost.
Likely she is going tru puberty at her age. Often it is a time of inner turmoil and change, and rejecting formerly accepted people can happen (happened to us, my youngest son even hand fed our Amazon, only to have him HATE my son on sight now). Just hang on, push past it. Puberty DOES end, eventually.
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Hi thanks for the reply! My bad I counted the months wrong, she was 2 months when we got her so 4 months now. I thought they start puberty around 6 months? Can it happen early?
Its unususal for it to begin that early, but every parrot is his/her own bird.

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