Biting conure


New member
Jul 29, 2009
Pretoria, South Africa
3 budgerigards, 1 cockatiel, 1 GC Conure and 1 lesser cockatoo
Good day to all

I have been birding for a long time now, and aquired myself a green cheeked conure about a year back.

I would like to find out whether anyone maybe can give me some advice on what to do with a conure if he constantly wants to bite your fingers.

I have hand reared him, together with a cockatiel, on a needle.

If I give him a tickle on his head, he will only allow me to do it for 3 or 4 seconds, then he will turn around, clearly agitated, and bite me in my finger, although when I tickle him, he seems to enjoy it very much. Could this maybe be a doninance or a trust issue?

The biting doesn't bother me very much, but other people around him don't like him very much, for that reason. :green2:
Nope, it's a Green Cheek Conure thing ... they are known to be nippy ... mine does the EXACT same thing ... it's just part of their personalities ...
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Ok, thanks.

I visited a friend at a pet shop today, and he also had 2 handreaed ones - the moment you stick your finger inside the cage, they nip your finger. :green2:
Hi, I have 2 green cheeks. They both bite! My 3 yr old started biting when he hit maturity and my 2 yr old was always nippy. I let them come out of the cage on their own and then I pick them up. They are pretty good once they are out. I tell them no bite but that doesn't work. Try letting them come out of the cage 1st.. They have trust issues...:) Good luck! :green2: Jill
Heck...I might even go as far as to say it is a CONURE thing! haha I have a Patagonian conure & she is terribly nippy.

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