Black Cap Conure


Aug 27, 2018
Reaction score
Green Cheek Conure
We recently rescued a year old black cap conure tat was too stressed to be on the floor at Petco. He (gender tested) is named Jingle. His feathers have grown in nicely. He dips his food in water before eating it and sleeps under paper on the floor if his cage. We also have a 6 year old female red cheek conure who lives side by side in a separate cage. Booboo sleeps in her cozy hut. They interact with each other by preening from their connected cages. Any suggestions for Jingle’s sleeping habit? He doesn’t want the cozy hut.
First and foremost, BLESS YOU for the rescue!

Under the paper? Hmmm... well, my guy has a grate tat keeps him off the papers and poo...
First and foremost, BLESS YOU for the rescue!

Under the paper? Hmmm... well, my guy has a grate tat keeps him off the papers and poo...
I put paper to protect his feet from the grate. I’ll give it a try without paper on it.
I think you'll be pleased... if you want a flat surface for him to stretch/rest is feet, you can put a small block or upside down saucer or small cutting board down there out of the way of falling poop. If he like it, you'll know. It's also a good place to put treats...
Thank you!

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