Boozie is acting strangely


New member
May 26, 2017
The Woodlands, TX
Bonnie and Clyde, Umbrella 'Toos, and BoozieToo, a double yellow Amazon. RIP Boozie, Blue crowned mealy Amazon
She is generally defensive on her play top. Today, she seems almost catatonic. She stares off into space will not engage in playful behavior. I reach up to engage her and she stands stock still. She isn't defensive, and she will not get on my hand, nor move. She is letting me touch her head, her wings, anywhere, without objection.

She is not responding to my whistling, which normally sends her into a singing and laughing frenzy.

Her excrement seems the same. She is still refusing all fruits and veggies. Only nuts and seed. I'm worried. SHe did this once before and was absolutely normal the next day. Totally un amazon like behavior, it seems to me. But I don't know from experience, only reading. ANy help would be appreciated.
Is she still eating (whatever she normally eats) well and in the typical quantity?

Is it by chance a somewhat overcast or rainy day or are you expecting any kind of storms later? My amazon is typically a bit "down" on rainy days, when the low pressure systems move in. I wouldn't describe it as catatonic, more a little puffier, less playful and naps a bit more. In nature, if a big storm moved in they really wouldn't be able to do much until it passed. They react similarly to weather events even sheltered indoors- hunker down and wait it out. Alternatively, is it exceptionally hot and do you not have A/C? When it is broiling in the summer, they react by opening their beak and wings slightly and much like us, who the heck wants to be active when it's a bajillion degrees out?
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I know I don't have amazon experience but it seems my birds, especially my cockatiel, has her days where she just doesn't seem to feel well, and wants to be left alone. The next day she will be back to her old self.

Is your amazon puffin up or anything?
Give her a day or 2 - no more then that - if she is still acting like that, it is off to the avian certified vet for a check up. Such a big behaviour change, if it lasts that long is reason to get her checked. Hope she is back to normal tomorrow - got to take care of the boards (only?) mealy!
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So she came out of her shell and was laughing and playing. She even threw a temper tantrum when I failed to properly pay attention during dinner prep. Then she seemed to get scared and tried to fly. Failed due to her wing clipping butcher job, and seems to be depressed again. Struck me that earlier she went into the first funk when she tried to fly and failed. Is it possible she is sad that she can't fly?
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Is she still eating (whatever she normally eats) well and in the typical quantity?

Is it by chance a somewhat overcast or rainy day or are you expecting any kind of storms later? My amazon is typically a bit "down" on rainy days, when the low pressure systems move in. I wouldn't describe it as catatonic, more a little puffier, less playful and naps a bit more. In nature, if a big storm moved in they really wouldn't be able to do much until it passed. They react similarly to weather events even sheltered indoors- hunker down and wait it out. Alternatively, is it exceptionally hot and do you not have A/C? When it is broiling in the summer, they react by opening their beak and wings slightly and much like us, who the heck wants to be active when it's a bajillion degrees out?

We live in Houston. If you don't have AC, you die!
I could see that, especially if she was flighted before. They have excellent memory and they have the emotional development of a 2 yr old. I want it when I want it. Suggestion: If you catch her actually flipping over to her depressed mood, try imeditely engaging her in some game or trick or other rewardable activity with her. The idea is to distract her, as you probably guessed. Does she sing? Good way too distract them. Salty when he is on a screaming jag ( real super loud ) he can be distracted by singing to him, and he lowers down and sings with you - Screaming jag done.
She is generally defensive on her play top. Today, she seems almost catatonic. She stares off into space will not engage in playful behavior. I reach up to engage her and she stands stock still. She isn't defensive, and she will not get on my hand, nor move. She is letting me touch her head, her wings, anywhere, without objection.

She is not responding to my whistling, which normally sends her into a singing and laughing frenzy.

Her excrement seems the same. She is still refusing all fruits and veggies. Only nuts and seed. I'm worried. SHe did this once before and was absolutely normal the next day. Totally un amazon like behavior, it seems to me. But I don't know from experience, only reading. ANy help would be appreciated.

SHE WAS IN "DO NOT DISTURB MODE." Just chillin'...

You disturbed.

Watch for those wing flips. If she's in her quiet place, just flipping her shoulder at you, that means "not now."

There are times with a zon where you have to take "not now" for an answer. It's nothing personal. There's usually nothing wrong. Just not in the mood at the moment...
So she came out of her shell and was laughing and playing. She even threw a temper tantrum when I failed to properly pay attention during dinner prep. Then she seemed to get scared and tried to fly. Failed due to her wing clipping butcher job, and seems to be depressed again. Struck me that earlier she went into the first funk when she tried to fly and failed. Is it possible she is sad that she can't fly?

That's possible.

It's also possible that she was in "do not disturb" mode.

When do not disturb mode is over, you get "goofy bird" back...

I'm tired and I just want to rest right now is probably the dynamic.

What was she doing with her body posture at the time?! That's how you "read" a zon.

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