Bottleneck Whale


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Sep 7, 2006
Bottlenose Whale

In Londons Thames river today a Northern Bottlenose Whale was spotted, it turns out that 3 of them had come into the thames, but this one had managed to beach himself. Rescuers managed to get him back into the water but instead of swimming toward open sea he went the other way, It is thought that he caught his tail on one of the many bridges and had cut it as he has a wound. Unfortunatley there is no food for them in the Thames so everyone is hoping that when the tide turns he will be able to find his way to the open sea. It is not known why they came this way but it brought London to a standstill. I guess you could class London a little bit like New York, very busy. As the daylight gave way they were still in the Thames, but hopefully they will be able to get out before they become seriously ill, Lets hope. I'll keep you all posted.

bottlenose whale
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Oh I hope they all get out okay. :( I hate when things like this happen, its so sad.
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Re: Bottlenose Whale

Opps, did anyone notice my deliberate mistake there, BOTTLENECK, sorry bout that, have added link to post.

Just caught news again, and the poor thing has beached itself 2 more times, and its now disorientated. Fingers crossed. I'll keep you posted.

Goodnight again. Really am going to bed this time.
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Re: Bottlenose Whale

The Bottlenose whale, has beached again, and the wildlife guys have now got the inflatable pontoons round it and hopefully they will be able to take it to the Irish Sea. Lets hope. The vet will be coming out to check on it and we will have to see what happens. Fingers crossed that he is okay and they can get him back out to Sea.
Oh no! I was hoping that he would just swim out on his own. Every time they beach themselves they cause damage to themselves due to the sheer weight of their bodies pushing down on the hard surface. I wish those poor creatures would stop doing things like that, or that someone could figure out why they do it and prevent it from happening.
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Re: Bottlenose Whale

The latest on the Bottlenose whale, he did in fact beach himself this afternoon, and they are now transporting him back up the Thames into open sea. The vet has said that he is in resonable health to be released but he must go somewhere like the South Coast, which is a long way, They managed to get him onto a Barge which is moving him, but they were looking for another vessel to take him to the South Coast,
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A bit of bad news, the bottlenose whale died about an hour ago, it was so close to the open sea, but it had a convulsion. The barge is returning to London with the whale, they want to do tests to find out why it died and to see if they can find any clues as to why it swam into the Thames. A very sad end to the day.
I was so hoping for a happy ending. It is a very sad ending indeed. I hope that their tests reveal some useful information. Poor Whale.... :( :(
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Yes hopefully we should find out more sometime tomorrow, I'll keep you informed. There's not much that will bring London to a standstill, but the rescue of this whale did just that. There is a lot of very sad people in England today. I think when he was rescued everyone thought it would be a happy ending.

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