Brownish/Red Poop


Active member
Oct 30, 2012
Montreal, Canada
Jasper (6yr old Solomon Island Eclectus Parrot)
Hey guys,

Just got home from work and had a nice long cuddle with Jasper :)

Anyway I noticed something strange. His poop is a different colour. It's brown with a reddish tinge to it. I'm wondering if it's from the pumpkin he ate yesterday? (Will have to do another post about that, cutest thing ever). He also has had a bunch of pumpkin seeds with cayenne pepper. Would that cause it? He also ate a lot of his carrots today.

I just took a picture of the newspaper. They're fresh so hard to compare to the dried ones but at least you can see the colour:



Thanks for looking.
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Red or orange colored foods (both pellets as well as fresh foods) can result in a color change in droppings.
Absolutely! You should've seen Maya and Jolly's droppings when I gave them a treat meal with cherries, raspberries, pomegranates and African horned melon! The paper beneath the grill looked like something out of the Walking Dead, afterword. Lol!
Ziggy ate some beets and it turned his poop dark red O.O i almost had a heart attack when i saw it! i thought my bird was dying!
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Hahah ok thanks guys! I've always read to check their poop each day for any sudden change. This was a sudden change LOL. Glad it's just food related. (Btw colour is back to normal as of late last night)

I have to laugh sharing pictures of his poop with everyone. Don't tell Jasper!! :p
Poop is a favorite subject on this forum. The only place I have seen people more fascinated with it is on an RV forum!!

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