
New member
Apr 1, 2020
Hi All

I have been interested in parrots for some years now and I think I would like to dive in an purchase one of the amazon species but am at a loss as to where I can find a good breeder to purchase from.

I would be happy to travel over seas to find a good breeder or is it possible to find one in ireland.

Forget about overseas, importing birds is full of legal problems, and in most cases can not be done. Amazons in example are CITES listed birds and cant be exported.
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Thanks for the info.

But unfortunately this does not help me in anyway.

I take your point on board that i will not be able to get an amazon but what kind of species can i get then other than an african grey.

I really like the hanging parrot also.

Any advice on breeders or importable parrots would be great.
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Forget about overseas, importing birds is full of legal problems, and in most cases can not be done. Amazons in example are CITES listed birds and cant be exported.

Also just to point out you can find amazon Parrots for sale in the UK but i was hoping to get to reputable breeders.
My good friend Wrench is correct regarding the CITES status of Amazons. This is very important information as it is part of the defining a good breeder as there is very specific documentation that needs to be provided. And, in the EU, even with Adult Parrots, documentation is required. And, at this point and likely for the next couple if not several months, your travel is likely very limited.

I believe that Ireland is still connected to the EU and if true, you will need to have an Avian Professional for the Vet Care of your Amazon.

England and Northern Europe has a fair population of Adult Amazons and they are well worth the time to consider as Baby Amazons can be a challenge as they transition from Baby to Adult...

Amazons can be a loving and truly delightful Companion Parrot or a true nightmare for the unprepared. With an Adult: What you see is what you get unlike babies, especially the Hot Three, which those new to Amazons tend to choose.

With the Worldwide Shutdown to very limited travel, even if you find a Good Breeder in the EU, I question where you can yourself (by personal automobile) bring a CITES class Parrot though France and England. Air travel is extremely limited. In all cases, health documents are required and they take 60 days to obtain.

Yes, None of this addresses your question! Likely do to the fact that even if you find a good breeder, it will be months before you can obtain a Parrot.

FYI: If your interest in Amazon is based around their beauty you could be very disappointed when you find that they are very smart and expect you to understand their body language (See the top of the Amazon Forum).
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My good friend Wrench is correct regarding the CITES status of Amazons. This is very important information as it is part of the defining a good breeder as there is very specific documentation that needs to be provided. And, in the EU, even with Adult Parrots, documentation is required. And, at this point and likely for the next couple if not several months, your travel is likely very limited.

I believe that Ireland is still connected to the EU and if true, you will need to have an Avian Professional for the Vet Care of your Amazon.

England and Northern Europe has a fair population of Adult Amazons and they are well worth the time to consider as Baby Amazons can be a challenge as they transition from Baby to Adult...

Amazons can be a loving and truly delightful Companion Parrot or a true nightmare for the unprepared. With an Adult: What you see is what you get unlike babies, especially the Hot Three, which those new to Amazons tend to choose.

With the Worldwide Shutdown to very limited travel, even if you find a Good Breeder in the EU, I question where you can yourself (by personal automobile) bring a CITES class Parrot though France and England. Air travel is extremely limited. In all cases, health documents are required and they take 60 days to obtain.

Yes, None of this addresses your question! Likely do to the fact that even if you find a good breeder, it will be months before you can obtain a Parrot.

FYI: If your interest in Amazon is based around their beauty you could be very disappointed when you find that they are very smart and expect you to understand their body language (See the top of the Amazon Forum).

Thank you for the above info this is a lot more help full than the previous response of no you cant get an Amazon in Ireland.

Essentially i can now do some further research and i understand there is travel bans which in reality gives me plenty of time to prepare, find, research and be ready for when the restriction are lifted and we all can get back to living a normal life in which i would like to source an Amazon Parrot.

If you have any info on breeders of the Amazon species that would be great but again thank you for the above help full info.
I would never tell anyone that's interested not to find a reputable breeder. That's the best way to approach it if your heart is set on a baby. It's a personal preference. Not wrong or right, it's just your choice for your own reasons, and I have no issue with it. I love baby parrots. I mostly just consider them above my skill set. I'm more comfortable reshaping results of someone else's mistakes than trying to undo things I did wrong because I might not have known better at the time.

Personally, I'm a second chance kind of guy. I've been blessed with unbelievably wonderful adult birds. Like sailboat said above, what you see is what you get. Much less guess work about their personality, and if they choose you, they choose you. Even adopted as adults, I still expect mine to outlive me. If longevity is of concern, unless you find a VERY senior Amazon, or you're quite young, a 20 year old with proper care will still be with you for life.

Probably not much help, just food for thought. Best of luck to you :)

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Hi all

Info starting to become a lot more use full at this point much appreciated.

Yes my personal preference is to rear from baby to gain the experience as in my opinion you only learn from trying new stuff.

Thanks again for the helpful info keep it coming with regard breeders close to ireland.


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