Cage cover


Aug 20, 2019
Norwich, UK
Budgies (Puff, Peewee, Pixel and Poochie), Cockatiels (Pippy, Poppy and Petra), Kakariki (Pikachu RIP)
Probably the worst stitching ever but considering I never do textile projects I think it turned out ok =) Plus saved myself £50 on buying a cover :smile049:



Wow! Nice! It isn’t too heavy, is it?
I have been using the same sheet for 5 years!
Ya should find a couple branches to put in there, sycamore is great!
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Wow! Nice! It isn’t too heavy, is it?
I have been using the same sheet for 5 years!
Ya should find a couple branches to put in there, sycamore is great!

Do you mean heavy as in not breathable? Its a pretty thick blanket but the way the 'door' hangs means there are openings for airflow. I did take out a couple of their perches whilst I was making the cover but I have been wanting to get some branches. They do have natural wood perches in there and they are only in the cage for bedtime but still. I just need to do some more research on it first, I don't know the first thing about identifying trees lol.

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