
New member
Feb 29, 2024
Cockatiel and gcc
Hello. My GCC, Roach, is going to be 2 in the summer and over the past month or so he's picked up an absolutely awful habit of biting at the bars of his cage for hours at a time. I can hear it through earplugs, through headphones, throughout my entire house and it's driving me crazy! I've tried new toys, I've tried covering him, I've tried ignoring him, I've tried moving his cage toys around, I've tried new treats, I've tried letting him out and letting him crawl around on his cage when I can't interact with him directly, as well as my fiance and I playing with him directly when possible... It feels like I've tried absolutely everything. I work from home in the room he is in (I have roommates that don't like my birds so I don't have much choice). My fiance (his favorite) works graveyard so he's usually asleep during the day, I think this behavior is trying to get my fiance's attention but he sleeps heavy so it's just bothering me. Is there anything I can do? Any safe bitterant or something I can put on the bars to make them taste bad to him? Or do I just have to hope this is a phase and try not to lose my mind? Anything helps, new to the forums. Thank you 🥲
Its just a nervous habit IMHO. PLease dont put anything on the bars, anything strong enough to discourage him is likely to be toxic, as parrots have only 1 taste bud to 100 of ours. Keep up the activities listed to distract him. I see that as eventually succeeding. Eventually. One must out-stubborn parrots, who can collectively be really pig headed. Quite funny actually a pig headed parrot, maybe one of our resident artists can sketch you one as a reminder.
Anything helps, new to the forums. Thank you 🥲

Some birds just enjoy doing this for no particular reason. It could be the texture of the bars.

My canary does this as well. Not much you can do about it I'm afraid.
One of my Jendays is chirping very loud, I think he wants attention because when I go over to the cage he quiets down??? Again this is my second day with them and I started to ignore him??? Ear plugs work great, now I don't have to leave the room and since then he doesn't chirp as loud as often.
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One of my Jendays is chirping very loud, I think he wants attention because when I go over to the cage he quiets down??? Again this is my second day with them and I started to ignore him??? Ear plugs work great, now I don't have to leave the room and since then he doesn't chirp as loud as often.
Hilarious! All Jendays are loud. It’s their nature. You’re both learning about each other. If he is male there is a good chance he prefers a male over you. They yell to get your attention. If he loves males he will learn to tolerate you. I know hard to say but true.
He likes me a bit more but we have a long way to go...

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