Hello everyone,
First time posting. I have a female Quaker parrot named Charlie. I have had her for a year now, and she is just over a year old. I am having some issues with her pulling hair. When we first got her she would preen us a little bit, but it was super gentle, and now its non stop and not gentle at all. Every time she's out of her cage she will just pull at everyone's hair. Shes pretty relentless. I can take her off my shoulder 10-20 times but she will persistently come back to pull my hair. I do try and play with her and distract her with toys etc, but she has never really been very interested in those things. We do preen her, and she will allow it, but she also has a very short temper and will be enjoying her preen one minute and then all of a sudden will snap and try and bite us. I've tried putting a perch on top of her cage with some toys and food, hoping that when she has her outside time that she will just kind of hang out up there, but she is only interested in sitting on my partner and I and trying to pull our hair!
She eats pellets, with the occasional fruit and nut mix and she gets a few treats here and there.
She has a bed time, to ensure she is getting all the sleep she needs.
She has her bath time , which she loves.
We try to get her to play with toys, and teach her tricks and things to stimulate her, but she just isn't interested.
Is there something we could be doing wrong?
I would be grateful for any kind of advise or tips on how we can stop her from fixating on pulling hair.
Thank you

First time posting. I have a female Quaker parrot named Charlie. I have had her for a year now, and she is just over a year old. I am having some issues with her pulling hair. When we first got her she would preen us a little bit, but it was super gentle, and now its non stop and not gentle at all. Every time she's out of her cage she will just pull at everyone's hair. Shes pretty relentless. I can take her off my shoulder 10-20 times but she will persistently come back to pull my hair. I do try and play with her and distract her with toys etc, but she has never really been very interested in those things. We do preen her, and she will allow it, but she also has a very short temper and will be enjoying her preen one minute and then all of a sudden will snap and try and bite us. I've tried putting a perch on top of her cage with some toys and food, hoping that when she has her outside time that she will just kind of hang out up there, but she is only interested in sitting on my partner and I and trying to pull our hair!
She eats pellets, with the occasional fruit and nut mix and she gets a few treats here and there.
She has a bed time, to ensure she is getting all the sleep she needs.
She has her bath time , which she loves.
We try to get her to play with toys, and teach her tricks and things to stimulate her, but she just isn't interested.
Is there something we could be doing wrong?
I would be grateful for any kind of advise or tips on how we can stop her from fixating on pulling hair.
Thank you