chatty update


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
Ok so yesterday I am sitting on the couch listening to silly little cricket talking to her self, and not being able to make out 90% of what she is saying, I start laughing, well she just laughed right on back at me...
:eek: thinking this is where the trouble is going to start
:04: and I can't wait
I love when Grey's laugh and alwyas know the appropriate time to do it!!! Can't wait to get more updates on Cricket!!! :D
Yayyyyyyyy, You go Cricket. Its truly amazing to see them talking away to themself's and the laughing has me in stitches everytime.

Bucc will do that when he makes the door bell and I go and answer the door, even on the 100th time. He will roar with laughter everytime. :D

Yeah the trouble really starts now, but hey its great and I wouldn't swap it for the world. :eek: He's trained me so well. :cool:

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