Chipper is finally coming around


New member
Oct 14, 2012
My first bird was a parakeet named Buddy (passed away November 8, 2012). My newest friend is a parakeet named Chipper.
I bought Chipper a swing for his cage, and that really seemed to do the trick. :)

He loves the swing, and ever since I put it in, he seems happier. He doesn't panic anymore when I turn off the lights at night. I can even cover his cage. He climbs up on his swing and sleeps on it. He was already starting to chirp a lot more, but now he's starting to make more whistling and chattering sounds, especially when I watch tv. And today, he started to move around his cage more. He finally started to play with one of his toys in his cage...and he's really going at it, chewing on it and climbing on it. This makes me feel so much better. :) I was really getting worried, because he was so quiet and wasn't really doing anything besides eating. I'm watching him happily chewing on his toy right now. What a difference. He looks like a happy little bird now.

As of today, I've had Chipper for 2 weeks.

I don't know if it makes a difference, but I also got him a full spectrum light. It's clamped on the cage, and I have it on for 2 hours per day. Since we're getting into winter now, I thought it would be good for days when it's too cold to take him outside.

Here's Chipper on his swing. :D His feathers are puffed up because when I took the pictures he was kind of sleepy and probably getting ready for a nap.




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Jun 13, 2012
Senegal: Oliver ~~
Yellow-Sided GCC's: Bella and Zora ~~
R.I.P Tweeters the Cockatiel<3
Congrats! Chipper is definitely.... Chipper! Lol love his name!


New member
Oct 14, 2012
My first bird was a parakeet named Buddy (passed away November 8, 2012). My newest friend is a parakeet named Chipper.
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yeah, he's FINALLY starting to live up to his name! I named him that because when I first saw him at the bird farm, he was climbing all around the cage and seemed happy and playful. I could tell he loves to climb. But he also has a gentle personality. He wasn't aggressive with the other birds at all. He's not super hyper either...he's just content doing his own little birdie things. So Chipper seemed like a good name. :) Until now though, he's been really shy and quiet. But wow tonight, he's really going at it, climbing and chewing.

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