Chosen to get a rehomed Eclectus!


New member
Jan 8, 2015
WA state
Quaker RIP Boris
Bash the Budgie
Hey Everyone,

I found an eclectus (my dream bird) on and out of all the people who showed interest in him the owner chose me to be his new home. I am beyond excited. However, even with researching about them for the past few years I am now getting really anxious that I will do something wrong. Could you please share with me your exact diet plan for your eclectus? I would like something I could prepare most of it for a week at a time and then just add stuff in the day of. Any highly recommended foraging toys or ideas for them that have been tried and loved by your little guy or gal? Anything else you can suggest to get started on the right page?

Thank you for taking the time to look at my post. I can't wait for this new experience :)
The diet is extremely important I lost an eclectus because unknowingly I didn't give him what he needed and will be heartbroken for ever because of it. Check out this link it is very informative and a nessasary part of having one in your home.


The site ChrisWink recommended is my go to destination for ekkie foods. If I were you, I'd read through every sub-section there.

And Wendy's provided links should prove invaluable. Lots of great info to be found, there.
The site ChrisWink recommended is my go to destination for ekkie foods. If I were you, I'd read through every sub-section there.

And Wendy's provided links should prove invaluable. Lots of great info to be found, there.

I agree so much info. I wish I would of found it in time to save my Ekkie but did not. I had known he needed high nutrition and I had thought I was providing it but was not. I found that site about two months before I lost him and the damage was already done!

Use that site as your eclectus bible!
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Thank you for all the replies. I havd read through the sites before but it is great to have a refresher. I guess I am just confused because I do see conflicting information regarding the diets. The one things I want to do is sprouts for sure. Is there a good bulk blend you would recommend? I have been researching for a long tome, I think reading about it is different than doing it. I just want to set him up for success. I hope it is okay, I am sure I will be coming to you all and asking for your experience to make sure I am doing the right thing and get your advice in the future.
The site ChrisWink recommended is my go to destination for ekkie foods. If I were you, I'd read through every sub-section there.

And Wendy's provided links should prove invaluable. Lots of great info to be found, there.

I agree so much info. I wish I would of found it in time to save my Ekkie but did not. I had known he needed high nutrition and I had thought I was providing it but was not. I found that site about two months before I lost him and the damage was already done!

Use that site as your eclectus bible!

I'm so very sorry about the loss of your eclectus. I lost my beloved Bixby early this year and I know the hole their absence leaves in your heart.
this is one thing i did today for my eclectus, Ziggy :) he loves pumpkin, and since its such a great source of vitamin A which he needs, i cooked him some mini pumpkin food bowls. he doesnt seem to like raw pumpkin or carrots much once theyre choppd up and in his dish, so i bought some of these mini pumpkins at a farm stand, cut the top off like a jack-o-lantern, but instead of scraping the entire inside clean all i did was remove most of the seeds ((which i saved to bake seperate)) i put a tablespoon of water inside each one and put the lid back on. placed them in a covered baking dish with an inch of water in the bottom, and baked at 350F for 30 min. they came out the perfect texture for him and hes already decided its his new favorite thing ever! it wasnt quite dinner time yet when i got done baking them, so i let one of the 'lids' cool down and gave him that to munch on until its time to fill one of the pumpkins with his chop/sprout mix.



Ziggy is my first eclectus and i am by no means an expert, but ive been learning alot more from owning him than i did from reading about them. he is slightly picky about what he will eat sometimes, but if i sit at the table with something and act like its mine he will ALWAYS want it. this has been useful to get him to try things he wont touch in his bowl. he also has a second bowl in his cage that i use as a treat dish, and if one day i put a piece of fruit that hes had in his chop dish every day but doesnt eat, in the treat dish instead, he will gobble it right up. :)

Thank you for choosing to adopt! im sure you will be very happy with your bird, they sure are entertaining and full of personality!
this is one thing i did today for my eclectus, Ziggy :) he loves pumpkin, and since its such a great source of vitamin A which he needs, i cooked him some mini pumpkin food bowls. he doesnt seem to like raw pumpkin or carrots much once theyre choppd up and in his dish, so i bought some of these mini pumpkins at a farm stand, cut the top off like a jack-o-lantern, but instead of scraping the entire inside clean all i did was remove most of the seeds ((which i saved to bake seperate)) i put a tablespoon of water inside each one and put the lid back on. placed them in a covered baking dish with an inch of water in the bottom, and baked at 350F for 30 min. they came out the perfect texture for him and hes already decided its his new favorite thing ever! it wasnt quite dinner time yet when i got done baking them, so i let one of the 'lids' cool down and gave him that to munch on until its time to fill one of the pumpkins with his chop/sprout mix.



Ziggy is my first eclectus and i am by no means an expert, but ive been learning alot more from owning him than i did from reading about them. he is slightly picky about what he will eat sometimes, but if i sit at the table with something and act like its mine he will ALWAYS want it. this has been useful to get him to try things he wont touch in his bowl. he also has a second bowl in his cage that i use as a treat dish, and if one day i put a piece of fruit that hes had in his chop dish every day but doesnt eat, in the treat dish instead, he will gobble it right up. :)

Thank you for choosing to adopt! im sure you will be very happy with your bird, they sure are entertaining and full of personality!

I am totally stealing this idea! I'm betting my Dexter will love it! Thank you for sharing.
im sure your dexter will love it! but one thing i would change next time i do it, i think ill only bake them for like 15 minutes. just long enough to soften them up a little bit but not as soft as they were this time because instead of eating out of it, he shredded the whole thing into mush and ended up with a bowl full of mashed pumpkin :p which was much fun for him and much mess for me. so maybe cooking for 15 minutes will leave them firm enough for him to scrape instead of mash? i dunno. itll be a week or so before i get to find out because hes got 3 more of these to eat :)
Remember Male Electus were born to feed as many female Electus possible! And if not they may get frustrated and they may end-up with behavior issues!!! :green2:
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im sure your dexter will love it! but one thing i would change next time i do it, i think ill only bake them for like 15 minutes. just long enough to soften them up a little bit but not as soft as they were this time because instead of eating out of it, he shredded the whole thing into mush and ended up with a bowl full of mashed pumpkin :p which was much fun for him and much mess for me. so maybe cooking for 15 minutes will leave them firm enough for him to scrape instead of mash? i dunno. itll be a week or so before i get to find out because hes got 3 more of these to eat :)

I totally stole this idea, and Parker can't thank you enough! As a first time eating it, it took coaxing. But he came around and tore it up! I might have found a secret to getting him to eating other types of squash :43:
Thank you for all the replies. I havd read through the sites before but it is great to have a refresher. I guess I am just confused because I do see conflicting information regarding the diets. The one things I want to do is sprouts for sure. Is there a good bulk blend you would recommend? I have been researching for a long tome, I think reading about it is different than doing it. I just want to set him up for success. I hope it is okay, I am sure I will be coming to you all and asking for your experience to make sure I am doing the right thing and get your advice in the future.

If youre impatient to experiment, green lentils from the bag (I.e. Goya) from the grocery store are proving very easy for me to do at home. And I tried one while giving them to my eke, pretty damn tasty! A bag of mixed quinoa I got from an organic store is also super easy.
Hahahahahaha! Parker obviously LOVED littleredhen's recipe! Nice!
Hehe, he has completely destroyed it!!

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