cockatiel regurgitating/vomiting clear liquid


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Aug 17, 2019
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hi! im brand new to this forum and made an account just to post this. i went shopping with my family today and when we arrived home, i opened up my cockatiels cage. she came out like normal but my grandmother and i noticed some sticky stuff on her crest, cheeks and on her beak. she let me wipe it off- it had already dried. i didnt think much about it but about 10 minutes ago i saw her vomit/regurgitate completely clear liquid. and i mean completely clear- she did drink some water and all, but i'm not sure if she drank too much.

when she vomited, she just did a stretching motion with her neck and let it fall out of her mouth and onto the ground. she seems very tired but she still reacts to my whistling by whistling back or looking at me. she lets me pick her up and seems to react normally to everything, but is just sitting puffed up right now. her poop is runny.
That sounds like a very dangerous situation for your bird. Please bring them to the vet ASAP. The vomiting, abnormal poops, and abnormal behavior is a very high chance that your bird is sick.

As some follow up questions, was there any food in her vomit? When was the last time you watched her eat? How long have her poops been abnormal? Has she lost any weight? Are you sure your bird is female? Is her vent dirty? How old is your bird?
thank you for a response. as it is the weekend, all of the vets are closed. we live at the tip of texas and have very limited avian veterinary service.

1. no, there was no food in her vomit.

2. she ate a little bit after she vomited.

3. she pooped just now and they looked abnormal- they were fine all yesterday and this morning.

4. she hasn't lost any weight.

5. yes, my bird is a female. she has laid a multitude of eggs.

6. her vent is not dirty.

7. she's about 3 years old.
Welcome to the forums. I wish you’d joined under happier circumstances but we’d like to help. I agree with munami, your cockatiel needs immediate medical care. Have you called emergency pet clinics in your area? Birds hide symptoms of illness as long as they possibly can, the symptoms she’s showing now sound very serious.
If possible, see if your vet has any emergency vet recommendations on their site. If it's not possible until Monday, keep her warm, monitor her weight, her poops, and her behavior carefully.
thank you guys very very much. i appreciate it. i just wanted to let you guys know the following: she is eating and drinking water, but has thrown up once or twice more. just a little bit, though; ill try to get her to an emergency vet, but i may not be able to. thank you all very much.
I'll be praying for her, please keep us posted.
I live in Texas too, I understand how scarce avian certified vets are in the rural areas. If you can’t get her in to see a vet before Monday then I would make the appointment as soon as possible and make sure it’s an Avian certified vet if possible. Watch your little tiel closely so you’ll be able to tell the vet exactly what’s going on with her. Egg laying can deplete a bird’s resources and cause illness, you should discuss it with the vet, there are precautions you can take to curb the laying cycles. For now watch her closely, give her water and maybe soften some pellets in water for her, I wouldn’t force her to eat but I would offer her soft food so she doesn’t get too weak. I hope she’ll be okay, please keep us updated.
Oh such a scary situation! I hope you are able to get help. I'm thinking of you and wishing I had a magic wand to make it all better. Thank you for sharing, and I hope you keep us updated.
thank you so much. im very very hopeful that well be able to make it to then. i get so worried when these things happen! she has little bouts of energy- she was very very active when i was talking to my friend earlier and she could hear her. it's almost her bedtime so im going to let her rest. thank you so much!
I can't stress how serious vomiting is. Cairo (an ekkie, not cockatiel, so he's bigger in size and weight) was had vomited about 5-6 times. We saw a vet within 18 hours after his first vomit, and at that point he was so ill, they had to give him long breaks in between the different tests because they were concerned about his heart giving out.

Ultimately we had to hospitalise him a few days later when he wasn't getting better.

Most important thing is to keep your bird hydrated and to decrease output of energy. Give your bird soft, warmed, mushy food. It'll have more liquid, especially if you add water. And it's easier to eat than more solid foods. Plus you need to keep your bird warm. We did mashed butternut squash and mashed bananas. Keep her in a warm, dark place, so she doesn't expend much energy. If she progressively gets worse, she'll eventually decrease movement and just fluff up to sleep - this is when your time is officially running out. And more importantly, get to a vet.

They might be able to give subcutaneous fluid or show you how to feed baby parrot formula. If that fails, then we had to put an IV in and they crop fed him.

Good luck!
Any update ??

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