Cocktiels and Superb Parrots


New member
Dec 31, 2009
I currently own a cockatiel, and I dont have any other parrots. Mango spends most of his time outside of his cage, around inside our house. He's pretty friendly to my friends' birds.
I am considering getting a superb parrot. Do cockatiels and superb parrots get along? I read that superb parrots prefer to be in pairs or a flock, so will Mango be a suitable mate, even if they arent from the same species? Or will they not like each other at all?

Thanks guys!
This usually depend much more on the individuals involved than the species. Generally parrots don't pay much attention to species boundaries (it's a human concept after all).

Be prepared for things to go either way, they should each have their own space and be introduced gradually. But my guess is if they are each already well socialized, which the cockatiel is, that they will get along well.
Hi Rose
Love the name Mango !!!!
AD is correct, parrots don't pay much attention to species boundaries.
I have a few friends, have mixed species together, they get along like a house on fire.
Mango may become jealous and rebellious, having to share you.
Give each their own space, spend quality with each bird.
Perhaps a great love story in the making !!!!!
Keep us updated with your decision.
Good luck
Take care
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Thanks for answering guys, it cleared things up a bit.

I think I will get the parrot, but keep him seperate from Mango for a while, and then decide if they would be ok around each other.

Thanks again!
From what I've read a common practice when introducing a new bird into the flock is to issolate or quarintine the bird in a seperate room for 30 days prior to. That gives time for any diseases that may only be in the incubation statges to display their symptoms. Only got one bird but i plan to use this policy when we finaly get to add to our flock. Kind of the whole once of prevention pound of cure thing.
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Thanks BlueToast.
That was my plan so far :)
Thanks for replying!
I ought a superb parrot last week and he adores my scarlet chested parrots. They hang out together and seem to enjoy each others company. Strangely enough, D'Artagnan doesn't really like my princess parrot.

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