concern or possible molting?!?!?!?


New member
Sep 19, 2013
Thor tiel (Male), Zazu African Grey. (Female)12/12/2013 hatch date
hi everyone. zazu my african grey was a year old on December 12th. the past few days it seems like feathers are falling out like crazy. if she flaps her wings at least a feather falls out. and they are full feathers not like little or broken things. she isnt plucking them they just fall out. is she having her first molt??? im kinda concerned.
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thanks its freaking me out lol. she is a happy bird. i thought at first she was plucking till i saw it happen a few times. i love my baby even though she refuses to learn anything other then step up and only lets me hold her. she bites everyone else lol but she has never ever bitten me
Everyone is molting here. A year old sounds like about the time for a bird her size. Sounds like that's what it is. The other day Griffin literally had a pile of feathers on the floor under him! I was startled too... in many years of having birds I had not ever seen a bird lose so many feathers at once! It was just that day that it was EXTRA profuse. Now he's still molting pretty profusely, but not like the other day. Funny with as many feathers as he's losing, he still looks like he has "thick hair" Lol.

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