Conure help pleasssse!


New member
Dec 6, 2012
1 green cheek conure
I have been concerned about my little GC he has been regurgitating often in the past few weeks.. He doesn't actually get anything out but I can see him bob his head and bring up food. He seems to do it for what he sees as nesting spots, his toys and me. In other words it doesn't seem to be just random.
His weight has been checked daily since this started and is constant his behavior otherwise seems normal and he sleeps only 12 hr a night still.
I'm thinking this is hormonal behavior since it is spring and he doesn't seem different otherwise.
My question is do conures regurgitate more when they are hormonal?
My parrot went through his first very agressive hormonal stage last year and I don't remember if he had this regurgitation behavior or not but that could be because his aggression was my concern at that point.
Thanks for reading
It sounds like he's adjusting his crop to me. When I first saw Kyo do this it freaked me out too.

If you have any concerns at all, please seek the attention of an avian vet. I am not an expert and this is just my best guess.
I agree it sounds like he's adjusting his crop. Buddy does in slow motion like he's throwing up but no gagging and nothing comes up. There are videos on YouTube you can check out.

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