Conures Species Information

hi there, new to this forum and would really appreciate if someone would tell me what kind of green cheek mutation this bird is. from what i understand its a blue pineapple? is this correct because from my research it looks quite different.



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hi there, new to this forum and would really appreciate if someone would tell me what kind of green cheek mutation this bird is. from what i understand its a blue pineapple? is this correct because from my research it looks quite different.
This is a Yellowsided Turqouise Green Cheek Conure
This is my first sun conure or any bird for that matter, my fiance however has owned birds before. Skittles is 5 months old, how often and when should I expect to see him molt. I would like to know this because I heard that training durring molting can be troublesome, and I want his training to be enjoyable and fun.
Your GCC is a turquoise-yellowside

This is Apollo, He is a pineapple sun conure:rainbow1:
That is not a sun conure (Aratinga solstitialis), it's a green-cheek conure (Pyrrhura molinae)
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Is it normal for a sun at around 5 weeks old to slow down on eating, I have already started with the fresh veggies, and fruits. One is more advanced that the other. But they are very happy, they are fed on a very regular basis, their crop is working ok. And they love to sleep on me. Which is fine with me. I love them dearly. They are pooping regularly and plenty of it. They are starting to flap their wings.
New here! Went to pertco for a fish for the girlfriend(can't have cats or dogs here) walked straight in to the bird section where this conure in top of it's gave jumped down and started dancing in front of me!

One trip to the managers for permission we went and bought her. She was stamped "fancy green cheek"

She is in fact a 'yellow sided green cheek conure'. Fancy green cheek is a name the big pet companies came up with to describe any coloration different from the standard green cheek- it doesn't mean anything! Congratulations on your new baby, she is a beauty! She has a lot of red on her for a YSGCC- much like mine who is a red factor!
She is in fact a 'yellow sided green cheek conure'. Fancy green cheek is a name the big pet companies came up with to describe any coloration different from the standard green cheek- it doesn't mean anything! Congratulations on your new baby, she is a beauty! She has a lot of red on her for a YSGCC- much like mine who is a red factor!

Thank you so much! Rellow sided green cheek! Lol she does have tons of red!
Brougtht my i year old sun conure to have his wings clipped.
5 minutes into the car ride he began bobbing his head. Then he flipped over upside down on the bottom of his travel cage.

I came straight home.

He is now completely back to normal.

What happened??
I'm not entirely sure, could be car sickness(?) maybe he was playing? I'm not entirely sure how he was acting, if he fell unconscious or if he was just laying on his back.

However, this thread is quite old, and you will have more luck having your question answered if you create your own thread, perhaps in the "general health care" or "questions and answers" section. :) Best of luck!

hello my friends please answer me question.

i've a cockerel of Black-capped Conures and a hen of Cinnamon Green Cheek Conure‏.

question : can do cockerel Black-capped Conures pair with hen of Cinnamon Green Cheek Conure ?

do Chickens hybrid (barren-unproductive) ?

Excuse me I can not Write Correct English.
thank you


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We have two conures/ Sonny and Cher. They are great and we got them last Dec. They are green cheeks/ Pineapple and yellow side/ hand raised by a breeder. They love to cuddle and will come right over to the edge of the cage when out. The problem is they will not step up when we try to take them off the cage. They run away. Don't understand as they have a great cage/ lots of toys and get nothing but the best food and fruit.
SO why do they run when they are on the top of the cage. If they get on a table or flutter to the floor they will climb on a finger using the step up command.

Help please

Welcome, newbies, and salutations to experienced folks...
Conures are just the best, aren't they?
Well, except for the Rickeybird, of course.
Kidding... sorta.
I love our Conure Community!
hey i am new here how do i post and make my own forum??

Welcome! Well, you just posted! Not sure what you mean by starting a new forum, if you mean starting a new thread, in the upper left-hand corner within the forum that you're in there is a new thread button.

FYI, you just posted to an 11 year old thread!
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