Cookie got a bigger cage!

Jan 16, 2019
Maldives, H.Dh Kulhudhuffushi
White-faced 'tiel (Cookie). Pied Budgie (Pepper).
So, after a couple of months of waiting, Kookie finally got to move into a bigger cage! (yay)
Here's a picture:


It's located in front of the living room in a corridor above a bookshelf. If the front door is open he can see outside a little. He also greets me with "Hello, Kookie" whenever I pass by and/or suddenly appear nearby.

Also, I've been trying to target train Kookie, but he absolutely hates the stick I'm using. I've even tried to use a paintbrush but he just hisses at it. I don't push the stick into Kookies face to get him to touch it but he just hates it (unless someone is tapping it on something).

Any tips to get him used to the stick?


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May 17, 2016
Central Florida
Normal (or not so!) Grey Cockatiel
Nice and roomy! He looks comfortable. I would try to get him a toy with a bell in it since they love bells. Persistence is key with training, and patience. Years ago I tried training my tiel to step on a perch. It lasted for a bit but he wasn't into it so I didn't pursue it.


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Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
take a step back and get him comfortable with the stick first before pursuing anything else. Next time you have him out maybe set him on a table with the stick nearby but not close enough to upset him. And just hang out with him, play with him, give him treats, all while slowly moving the stick closer, just watch his body language to make sure it isn't upsetting him.
Or you could set the stick down somewhere with a bunch of favored treats on and around it and let him introduce imself at his own pace. That's what I did with Apollo and her carrier. Just set some millet in it and waited.


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Jan 2, 2018
Isolated Holler in the Appalachian Wilderness
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Is that one of those "small bird flight cages"? Do be careful. I've never heard of any issues with them, but about a month ago one of the budgies got stuck pretty bad in one that I had her in temporarily while the new ones are in quarantine.

She was in the corner, with her leg out thru the bars, and a toe caught in the bars of the other side... getting her out without making it worse was not easy. Thank whatever power watches over these precious animals that she was OK. Just soft tissue damage, but she was limping for a while and I had to give her a (vet perscribed) pain medication for a little while.

Maybe a totally freak accident as I have not heard of any other injuries like this in these cages, but figured it was something for you to be aware of.


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As far as the cage goes be carful of the door.
If you let him out don't leave the door open and tilted forward. It's all to easy for him to stand on the open door and have it close on him. otherwise should be good to go.
Jan 16, 2019
Maldives, H.Dh Kulhudhuffushi
White-faced 'tiel (Cookie). Pied Budgie (Pepper).
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Nice! In trying to zoom in, are these the clasps that the toys are hung on? Lanyard?

If so, you should swap them out ASAP! They pose quite a danger to your little one!

Yes, it's a lanyard clasp. I'll switch them out ASAP! Will keychain hoops be a safe alternative? I have a lot of those laying around.

Also, out of curiosity, what could happen to Kookie if I were to leave them as they are? (not that I'm going to)

Nice and roomy! He looks comfortable. I would try to get him a toy with a bell in it since they love bells. Persistence is key with training, and patience. Years ago I tried training my tiel to step on a perch. It lasted for a bit but he wasn't into it so I didn't pursue it.

Last time a toy had a bell, it freaked Kookie out. But I'll give another toy (with a bell) and see how he reacts.

take a step back and get him comfortable with the stick first before pursuing anything else. Next time you have him out maybe set him on a table with the stick nearby but not close enough to upset him. And just hang out with him, play with him, give him treats, all while slowly moving the stick closer, just watch his body language to make sure it isn't upsetting him.
Or you could set the stick down somewhere with a bunch of favored treats on and around it and let him introduce imself at his own pace. That's what I did with Apollo and her carrier. Just set some millet in it and waited.

Thanks for the tips, I'll be sure to keep that in mind next time.

Is that one of those "small bird flight cages"? Do be careful. I've never heard of any issues with them, but about a month ago one of the budgies got stuck pretty bad in one that I had her in temporarily while the new ones are in quarantine.

She was in the corner, with her leg out thru the bars, and a toe caught in the bars of the other side... getting her out without making it worse was not easy. Thank whatever power watches over these precious animals that she was OK. Just soft tissue damage, but she was limping for a while and I had to give her a (vet perscribed) pain medication for a little while.

Maybe a totally freak accident as I have not heard of any other injuries like this in these cages, but figured it was something for you to be aware of.

I'm not quite sure what type of cage it is but so far Kookie is doing fine. I'm glad to know that the budgie is alright.

As far as the cage goes be carful of the door.
If you let him out don't leave the door open and tilted forward. It's all to easy for him to stand on the open door and have it close on him. otherwise should be good to go.

Thanks for the heads up!

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