couple of questions

Well i'm glad melissa chimed in,she always has good advice. Your birds are a "bonded" pair, male and male? anyones guess, but still a bonded pair. You separate them but that's the wrong thing to do IMO, the one will never bond with you as long as the other one is in the house. Besides they are happier together than they'll ever be apart. It will be just as easy to make friends with them both as it will be to befriend one by it's self,(maybe easier).The blind BFA is the way he is because that's how he protects himself,you need to learn how to over come that. One mate will always be protective of the other,wether it's a bird or a person it's bonded to.You have a bonded pair and need to learn how to work with that instead of trying to change them. Otherwise,IMO, your fighting a losing battle.
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I understand the bonded thing, but the redlord is constantly trying to mount the bluefront and he gets stressed out when he does it to him, so if they are both males then wouldnt that be a dominance thing just like in dogs? and if so isnt that a bad thing. and even if its a female seems like it would still stress her out cause she cant see to make a nest or to take care of babies or anything like that. seems like a lose lose situation as far as keeping together or separating. or should i not worry he keeps mounting the other one. i do go over and talk him off of him but that doesnt seem to stop him from going back to it. I do think I forgot to mention that and I apologize for forgetting.
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