Active member
Hello, still under the pressure and aware that you are mostly from USA on this forum but I feel to share this sad experience . In the last few days our beloved swallows found themselves in a storm with sudden temperature drop of nearly 20 degrees, rain for 4 day therefore no food for them. Hundreds ! are dropped dead of hunger , it was devastating. Civils get on the rescue as well and picked up as many wet, hungry, cold little buddies as one might can. The rescue centers are full , not possible to buy any mealworm in the local pet shops as sudden demand was kilograms..
Myself also tried to help as much as I can , went to check the local birds twice daily, found many dead bodies or so weak ones that he could not hold on until we got home...
. One little bird was lucky enough to be found early and he is such a character. Refused to be fed -he only accepted mealworms if I let them loose on the floor and he got them. He was not happy to stay in a box either but needed to be left by the window- where he can see outside looking for the sky-for his home.
After 2 days luckily he was full of energy , the sun shines non stop , so it was time to say goodbye and wish for a safe trip to Africa. Went to check for a flock he can join , after a one last drop in my palm, there he goes flying happily with friends
Safe travel for all of them, and hope they will be all back in spring.
For the memory of those little souls we lost.
Myself also tried to help as much as I can , went to check the local birds twice daily, found many dead bodies or so weak ones that he could not hold on until we got home...

After 2 days luckily he was full of energy , the sun shines non stop , so it was time to say goodbye and wish for a safe trip to Africa. Went to check for a flock he can join , after a one last drop in my palm, there he goes flying happily with friends

Safe travel for all of them, and hope they will be all back in spring.

For the memory of those little souls we lost.