Dear Parronts


New member
Apr 9, 2016
Gracie - CAG | Rookie - BRHP
Gracie Girl here..
I don't know if I should say hiya to everyone or peak you all!

Now that I've had a look around this place I know where mom gets all of her "bright" ideas. You guys have it all wrong... veggies, sprouts, quinoa (what the heck is that crap she keeps putting in everything it gets stuck in my beak) all that stuff is not healthy I've been around & I'm tellin ya folks it's all bad for us ... now if you wanna talk about what a super healthy food is. Fries, the French kind they should have their own food group!

Yesterday when mom was picking up my new sister Dad came home & had some of those.. he shared with me even thou it's against the rules and O.M.G. awesomeness! Mom found out & buzzzz kill betty read Dad the riot act for a bazillion hours then told him he doesn't get any dinner or nookie. I think Nookie is my new sisters name - not sure why he isn't getting any of her or even if he cares.

Speaking of Nookie I'm pretty sure that's who I heard last night. I stayed home from work yesterday (mom will so pay for that today when I chew up her new keyboard as soon as I'm done tapping this puppy out) and I took a nap when I woke up Mom was home Ohhh Happy Days! Then in another room I heard a chirp real soft like so I hollered out to see who goes there & then I got a louder response. Ohh baby finally someone that speaks my language in this madhouse! We chatted really loud - she has a weird accent & kinda talks like a baby but that's ok. I went thru all of my loudest & coolest whistles, screams and sounds .. I think she was uber impressed with my skillz!

Speaking of my skillz... I really messed up and got so excited last night that when it was time for our cuddle & chat time I started dropping way more words and sayings I know then I meant to. Man oh man Mom had no idea that the "ton of words" she's always bragging about me knowing wasn't even a lil bit of what I actually know. Sucker... does she really think I'm just gonna give allll of my knowledge away to her in just a few months.. I've got 20 years of brilliance under these wings!

I can't wait to teach my lil Sissy some really cool stuff when she's outta that quarantine place... I'm acting all super excited. Did you know she eats veggies? Like ALL veggies? I will hafta fix that lickity split before she puts more ideas in Moms head like trying that bird bread crap again.

Hey.. hey...HEY! I was looking around here & O.M.G. Mother put up videos.. VIDEOS of me BATHING? Are you plucking kidding me? Aren't there any parrot porn laws?!? This is outrageous .. I am so contacting someone about this. As for all the stories Mom tells about me.. not true! She fibs just look at how she told me veggies are good ... fries are bad especially the French kind. Pure poppycock & lies.
Oh and you should all know she has grey hairs & covers them up... how's that for Grey Pride! See I can tell her secrets too.

So thanks to my wonderful fry from France I'm pretty sure Mom gave me a double helping of her "fabulous" chop crap ... as if I can't toss twice as much to the dogs. Those 2 little mercenaries need to be paid their protection fee anyway & I think they liked the extra helpings ... they eat anything well thankfully they don't eat my pooh or any food that it lands on. That would be sooo grody to the max.

Speaking of pooh I just dropped a bomb on the number pad of Moms keyboard so I'm outta here before it gets on me.

Peaks & Smooches,
Gracie Girl

P.S. You folks have said lots of nice things about me thanks much & it's cool that I'm famous ya'll put me on the front page?!? Wowser you must really like me! So I'm gonna let all of you off the hook for the bad advice so far.... can you just let mom know things from France are good?

P.S.S. Hi Auntie Allee & Auntie Terry I'm working on a few new reds I'll ask mom to show em to you when they are all in. Hey Auntie Allee I look sooo fabulicious in mama's siggie thing you caught all my good sides!

P.S.S.S. Mom put some film in her camera this weekend & of course I was a pretty, pretty girl.

I think this is my good side...


I was trying something new here I was going for a George Washington feel

Fluffy me is sooo cute !

Gracie, Gracie, Gracie, what is your Auntie Terry going to do with you? I promise I won't tell your Mom if you keep posting pics and let the new reds stay:)
I promise that we pixelated you in your bathing photos:)
The George Washington pic is my favourite!
Going to have to place the 'Parental Lock' on this one! Last thing I need is our Amazon 'Hot Sticking' this Thread as a Must Read This and blasting it out to all his friends.

Well done!
My Pretty, Gracie Girl! You are very clever, I would show you my stern face but your story was just too funny, all I can do is smile!

How sly to keep so much of your vocabulary secret! Your cousin Poppy does that too, even after three years she says things we've never heard her say, things she didn't hear from us. Now that I think about it, she talks more when her dad is home, I wonder if he shares fries from France when I'm not looking. I'll have to look into this.

Sweet Gracie, you must not call your baby sister, Nookie! It's not a bad word exactly, in the right context, that's not important right now. The thing is, your little sis's real name is Rookie, I know just a single letter from the same but big difference, trust me on this. Rookie means beginner and your little sister is just beginning her life journey with your family so the name fits. There are wonderful stories from long ago about the first part of her name, Rook, it is the name of a very noble bird with a bad reputation, the Raven. Ask your mom for a bed time story.

I'm glad you like Mom's signature, I had a couple of gorgeous models. I can't blame your mom for keeping a camera in your face, I do the same to your cousins. The bath time video, sorry, our bad, humans just giggle when they get to watch birdies bathe, human nature!

Love your new portfolio. Great photography and Baby Girl, you don't have a bad side.

Remember, call your little sis, Rookie. Auntie Allee has to go back to her cell, a few people would like to have a signature like your mom's and your Auntie Mary and Terry's.
dear gracie you cute girl do you ever get out alone i could buy you some french fry and we could go play veterinarian if you know what I mean okay anyway I really really reeeeally like your pictures and if you want to see what a real rooster looks like you can see my scrapbook 1984 was a very good year if you get my drift patagonian hugs from your admirer the rickeybird ps could you do more fluff up pictures xoxoxo
Congratulations Gracie nice to hear from you in person and now that you are a celebrity and famous and all and on the front page MrBiggles Peter Pan and the Budgies all want your autograph. Mr Biggles figures a french fry or two might go down a treat as payment...what ya think Gracie can Mr Biggles have an autograph for a couple of french fries :) He so totally agrees with you that Veggies are way over rated as a healthy source of food here on the forum which as you do wisely stated is far from true and we ss a flick now know that we too have been tricked into eating them hidden in veggie bread...this is
Terrible just Terrible :)
Congratulations Gracie to you and your mom from all the flock here and we are loving all your Gorgeous pics too :)
Dear Gracie,

As the new addition in my house, I just wanted to say you should be nice to the baby. It's not easy being the new kid! But good job scoring the French Fries. Unfortunately for me, both mommy and daddy make sure I only eat good stuff. I can sometimes finagle good stuff out of the human kids, but they a still a little afraid of my big beak. Sometimes my big brothers also join in when I sing, and it makes me feel like I'm really home, so I'm glad you're singing with the baby, because she'll like it a lot.

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Gracie, Gracie, Gracie, what is your Auntie Terry going to do with you? I promise I won't tell your Mom if you keep posting pics and let the new reds stay:)
I promise that we pixelated you in your bathing photos:)
The George Washington pic is my favourite!

Well Auntie Terry you could send me my own fry recipe so I can whip myself up a batch of those bad boys when moms out. I'll betcha Rookie will love em too she just doesn't know those veggie things can kill ya. I saw a show once and they were dancing and singing veggies it was horrifying & mom thinks I should eat them! Hey tell her to stop giving me eggs & chicken too... I don't have to tell you what I think of that. Have you watched that Silence of the Lamb movie? Hmmm just saying Auntie!

I like that one too! Did you know he had grey feathers on his head like me? His wife had a parrot.. not a grey tho. Hey there was a president Jackson that had a Grey named Poll .. he could cuss like a sailor. Mom doesn't let me here anyyy cool cuss words she says they are "baddd wordss"

Mom has a gazillion pictures of me on her phone & puter just take them she'll never know. If she tells you it was my beak that scratched "her" phone .. remember she fibs & almonds left at the scene of a crime aren't actually admissible as evidence.

Here's a picture I found .. Mom says it's me flapping & flying but I KNOW I wasn't doing that so it's proof that I'm right all along & there is a ghost at home. It only comes around MY stuff. I think we should lock it in the cage at night & I'll just stay out and keep watch. Tell mom.
The evidence is clear.. it shows a parrot ghost near me!

Going to have to place the 'Parental Lock' on this one! Last thing I need is our Amazon 'Hot Sticking' this Thread as a Must Read This and blasting it out to all his friends.

Well done!

Ohhh I've meet some Amazons before they are really pretty & smart. Mom lets me watch videos of them cuz I like how they sound a lot. I don't know if your parent lock will work they have realllly strong beaks & will probably break it. Good luck tho!

Baby doll!

Blowing some kisses your way :) Hi there!

My Pretty, Gracie Girl! You are very clever, I would show you my stern face but your story was just too funny, all I can do is smile!

How sly to keep so much of your vocabulary secret! Your cousin Poppy does that too, even after three years she says things we've never heard her say, things she didn't hear from us. Now that I think about it, she talks more when her dad is home, I wonder if he shares fries from France when I'm not looking. I'll have to look into this.

Sweet Gracie, you must not call your baby sister, Nookie! It's not a bad word exactly, in the right context, that's not important right now. The thing is, your little sis's real name is Rookie, I know just a single letter from the same but big difference, trust me on this. Rookie means beginner and your little sister is just beginning her life journey with your family so the name fits. There are wonderful stories from long ago about the first part of her name, Rook, it is the name of a very noble bird with a bad reputation, the Raven. Ask your mom for a bed time story.

I'm glad you like Mom's signature, I had a couple of gorgeous models. I can't blame your mom for keeping a camera in your face, I do the same to your cousins. The bath time video, sorry, our bad, humans just giggle when they get to watch birdies bathe, human nature!

Love your new portfolio. Great photography and Baby Girl, you don't have a bad side.

Remember, call your little sis, Rookie. Auntie Allee has to go back to her cell, a few people would like to have a signature like your mom's and your Auntie Mary and Terry's.

Mom does that sterny stuff too but then she just kisses my beak & tells me I'm a gooood Gracie girlllll.. You can just kiss my beak too :)

As soon as I get ahold of mom's phone we shall rescue you Auntie.. I can't believe they have you in a cell. Mom puts me in one at night "for my own good pffft". Rookie & I will getcha outta there as soon as we mapquest Texas and figure out our flight plan. You can try bagging your bowls against the bars Ohhh & if you have wooden blocks bang those, If you spill your water bowl all over then they hafta open the cell to clean up ...then wala you are out!

Maybe it was autocorrect .. you know those things are really unreliable Auntie. I will remember Rookie. Ohhh stories I really like stories well not the veggie show stories but stories without veggies are awesome.

I saw Poppys pictures such beautiful feathers & read Poppys stories .. Poppy is super duper smart & a really good planner... great taste in toys too! I think I'll send Poppy a ParrotGram to help with your rescue.

I hope they aren't feeding your quinoa as a punishment if they do be careful it doesn't get stuck in your beak. Maybe you'll get lucky & get some fries from France.

Planning your escape...
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dear gracie you cute girl do you ever get out alone i could buy you some french fry and we could go play veterinarian if you know what I mean okay anyway I really really reeeeally like your pictures and if you want to see what a real rooster looks like you can see my scrapbook 1984 was a very good year if you get my drift patagonian hugs from your admirer the rickeybird ps could you do more fluff up pictures xoxoxo

Hi RB! I heard all about you last night from my new sissy she said your awful nice but you can be a little gangsta bird. I like your pictures too. I'll go look at your scrapbook . You have a great mom to keep all of your pictures. I heard you met Santa Claws. Wow that's so cool! I saw you like tall girls like Charlotte. You should buy Charlotte some fries from France.
Here's a fluffy picture of me when I was scaring off the hawk outside my window

Congratulations Gracie nice to hear from you in person and now that you are a celebrity and famous and all and on the front page MrBiggles Peter Pan and the Budgies all want your autograph. Mr Biggles figures a french fry or two might go down a treat as payment...what ya think Gracie can Mr Biggles have an autograph for a couple of french fries :) He so totally agrees with you that Veggies are way over rated as a healthy source of food here on the forum which as you do wisely stated is far from true and we ss a flick now know that we too have been tricked into eating them hidden in veggie bread...this is
Terrible just Terrible :)
Congratulations Gracie to you and your mom from all the flock here and we are loving all your Gorgeous pics too :)

Wow you guys are super duper famous & have a circus!! You're rich & famous and know so many tricks!! I don't really do trick stuff I can hang upside down ohh & I can get the pen in the picture straight up my beak (I sent you a pic of it below)! If you look close you can see I autographed it with my official one of a kind beak stamp all along the top & sides! Mom let me use a marker to write you a note... it's encrypted so no one but us will ever know guys!

I love your videos and think you're all super smart. My mom loves your moms words a lot she says that's what smart, kind cookie. I don't know why you have a cookie as a mom but hey at least shes sweet!


Dear Gracie,

As the new addition in my house, I just wanted to say you should be nice to the baby. It's not easy being the new kid! But good job scoring the French Fries. Unfortunately for me, both mommy and daddy make sure I only eat good stuff. I can sometimes finagle good stuff out of the human kids, but they a still a little afraid of my big beak. Sometimes my big brothers also join in when I sing, and it makes me feel like I'm really home, so I'm glad you're singing with the baby, because she'll like it a lot.


Hi Charlotte I think your red is soooo pretty! I'm super duper nice to my lil sis I can't wait to met her I'm gonna show her the ropes & share ALLLL of my veggies with her :) Promise! I know mom is the same way she doesn’t let me have that stuff either. I have 2 human kids & they always sneak me snacks and I do the wave & dance & sing with them. I don't really like anyone but mom to touch me but they understand & get me so we're cool.
Hope you like your new home!
Random thought that popped into my head hours after I posted last on this thread.

Are Goofy, Cookie and Leo still Charlotte's "big" brothers if she's bigger than the three of them combined? And it's hard to know how old Leo and Charlotte are as they're adult rescues on at least their third home each, so exact age isn't really known.
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I would say it's it's perfect that they are her big brothers. Life's been tough & every gal can use a few big bros even if she can whoop them if she wanted lol

That makes Charlotte the baby of the group & from the sounds of it she really needs that :)
Not quite sure on her age or Leo's. She still appears to be a young adult and had her adult clothes four years ago, so she's at least 7-8, maybe older though. Her old people guessed around 10, but the vet sort of shrugged and said "no way of knowing for sure". I was told that Leo was about 7-9 and that was 6 months ago, but again, who knows. He's not geriatric yet, but it's hard to know for sure. We could look up Goofy's exact hatch date if we wanted to (or we could call MrC's BIL, who was Goofy's first human, and has the information somewhere), but he was hatched in the middle part of the same year my step-daugters were born, and they're 31 (December birthday), so I guess I should start saying he's 32 now. MrC has had Cookie for 22 years, but his wife got him during the time they were separated, which was the 2ish years before they bought this house, and they were told he was 2 at the time she got him, so he's somewhere between 24-26.

But yes, she's definitely the baby of the bunch. She acts "young". She's far more playful and cuddly than any of the older adult macaws I've ever met. I'm guessing she's still a young adult.
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The 'are you plucking kidding me' !?!? �� aagghahahahaha


I only have a second mom said "no puters for parrots" so I hafta sneak some. I'm glad you laughed. Mom laughed too then said I shouldn't say that stuff that it's not very lady like and bad form. I looked at my form & I don't think it's bad at all if you look from the back I look like a heart! That's a great form :)
Auntie Allee said I hafta be more lady bird too so I'm gonna try really hard.

Early bird looks like a cool parrot & has a super cool name!
GraciesMom;[/quote said:
Hi RB! I heard all about you last night from my new sissy she said your awful nice but you can be a little gangsta bird. I like your pictures too. I'll go look at your scrapbook . You have a great mom to keep all of your pictures. I heard you met Santa Claws. Wow that's so cool! I saw you like tall girls like Charlotte. You should buy Charlotte some fries from France.
Here's a fluffy picture of me when I was scaring off the hawk outside my window

To whom it may concern (moms/dads of girl birds), I would not let that Rickeybird anywhere near any nice young ladybirds! I agree he has a great mom (I am her husband) but even she has not been able to straighten him out. rofl
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To whom it may concern (moms/dads of girl birds), I would not let that Rickeybird anywhere near any nice young ladybirds! I agree he has a great mom (I am her husband) but even she has not been able to straighten him out. rofl

LOL You sound like my hubby. He & Gracie have a rival relationship. They have a little truce going she doesn't eat his eyeballs & he doesn't try to touch her.
Hey Gracie; we've put your pictures on our bird 'puter tablet. **giving loud wolf whistles** Not to worry, we are a nice wholesome flock and appreciated Aunt Terry's pixilation of your bath. Ask your mom for some special fries from France.... made from sweet potatoes! They do have oil, so our dad gives us tiny pieces once in a while. Maybe one day we'll all have internet cameras and meet each other virtually!!

Scott's flock!!:yellow2::green::white1::red:.......

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