Deter parrot landing on pendant light fixtures?


New member
Jul 23, 2019
Hey everyone -- just wondering if anyone has come up with creative ways to keep their birds off of light fixtures?

I have some pendant lights hanging over a section of counter in my kitchen that my bird likes to land on (and unfortunately my coffee machine is right underneath, so you can probably guess how this is problematic :26:). I bought him a standalone perch and placed it on the same counter that is stocked with food in hopes it would be the better alternative, but he sits on the wire, out of reach, cackling evilly anyway (thankfully, he doesn't chew on it, but he does rub his face on it).

I also tried hilariously tying a crow prop I have for Halloween to the light to deter the little precious miscreant, but he just lands right beside it like its his buddy (see picture below for a laugh). I guess my 'scare crow' failed.


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Hi Ashlide,

What is their achilles heel, do you know?
My Levi hates gloves and towels. I have the Vet to thank for that.
So, if my appliances do not have official quilted covers, I cover them with towels. My lamps I place the fireplace gloves over the tops. And any other place I don’t want Levi to be on, top of my stove etc...

It works for us.

Good Luck!
Move the coffee maker?
What about some kind of hanging strings? Or wrapping it with the cable management springs?
I keep 4 foot dowels around the house to reach my JoJo. I use them daily!
Fantastic photo!!!! I hang a hoop perch with fishing line from a small hook I put in the ceiling over my breakfast bar, then a tray I line with newspapers. I put millit on the hoop, messy but got them using it
Why spoil his fun? He could make you a fortune if you use him to make Kopi luwak (the most expensive coffee in the world) and bypass the civet who poops out the bean. Out comes his poop and in goes the coffee LOL...
You could deter him from perching there by putting something that moves as he approaches it around the cord like ribbon or some sparkly Christmas decoration type thing. Or you could offer him something he prefers to land on, think high up and possibly with food on!
We have the same problems with the hanging potrack in our kitchen and the breakfast nook's chandelier.

So to solve the potrack problem, I made a detachable drape to put on it. It works perfect.

For the chandelier, my husband clipped a dish towel to it and neither of the boys has landed on it ever since.

So there you have it:
One pretty solution and one .... easy solution. ;)
You can use zip ties to make an appearance of it being spiky. Same theory as the spikes they use to deter gulls from seafront roof tops without being a spike. If it looks like it's too difficult to find a perch on chances are they'll go for something easier.
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Thank you everyone for the awesome and creative ideas! I think I may have accidentally found his 'achilles heel' when I tried to give him a feather toy to preen. He was super scared of the poofy feathers... and I can't help to find that hilariously ironic with him being a bird and all. I am thinking of swinging by a craft store and getting a cheap feather boa to wrap around the wire or hang near to see if that will deter him. If that doesn't work, I will definitely give some of your other ideas a try!

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