DIY toy parts


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Lincoln (Eclectus), Apollo (Cockatiel), Aster (GCC)
Hey guys, I use to be super into making my own toys for the birds but after going through a lengthy mental health crisis and then getting a full time job, I hadn't really had the time to make them and resorted to just buying made toys.

I want to get back into making my own toys and I cannot for the life of me remember majority of the good sites for sourcing toy parts. I remember mysafebirdstore but that's it. What are some of the other ones out there?
I have always dug through the cut-off bins at the BigBox Stores and Lumber mills. They are an endless source of bits and pieces and I always have pictures of Julio. Do Not Visit when the contractors are there as you will find yourself in their way. After dinner is a good time for me as the bins are full.
California Bird Nerds is my hands-down fave for toy parts

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