Does anyones budgie(s) talk?

The best talking parrot in the world (largest vocabulary) was a budgie, so yes, it's real. Not all of them talk, but they can be amazing talkers.
It's real. They are well known to talk, however, I've never personally known anyone to have a talking Budgie. I don't think it's too common. Apparently if they DO talk, they're one of the more talented species.

Twigs does do an imitation of one of the sounds my Ruppell's parrot Griffin makes. It's a cute chirp type of sound, so it was easy for Twigs the budgie to learn. I know Twigs really LOVES Griffin, so that helps.
I have 3 budgies, and the lil 3 mo old one I just adopted on January 1 gives me some hope! He doesn't really talk, but he already mimics my tiel and makes sounds that sound like human words a lot. The other two are great at mimicking my gcc and lovebird (to the point where I cannot tell the difference), but they don't mimic any speech. :(
The youtube videos I've seen are amazing indeed.
Here's the best one I've seen! Incredible!

Years ago I gave my sister a budgie (male). She had that little bird saying over 200 words and phrases! It was amazing!
Thanks for the Disco video, Stephen! Absolute proof that budgies can talk, that little guy is amazing.

My budgies only speak budgie.
Bert Bird, the parakeet I had years ago said TONS of things, and used most of his vocabulary in context. He was amazing!
I wonder if there is any difference between the American and English budgies in ability to talk?
I LOVE Disco!!! Such an amazing little budgie!!

None of my budgies talk though- they jibber jabber amongst themselves but not in English :(
Bert Bird, the parakeet I had years ago said TONS of things, and used most of his vocabulary in context. He was amazing!

Wow, really? My parrots don't even speak in context! People don't give budgies enough credit! That's amazing.

I had WAY too much time on my hands back then. I had it in my mind he was going to talk because I had been told budgies could talk if they wanted to, so I spent countless hours upon countless hours teaching him. I think he started talking just so I would shut up!

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