Does your Conure say any words?


New member
Nov 15, 2015
Does anyone have a Conure that talks? We have a turquoise pineapple Green Cheek Conure named Babybird who says this:

"love you" (sounds like "love eww" LOL)
"love you too" (sounds like "love eww eww")
"Choobie," "Skivverrrrrrrrs," "Hunter" (some of our dog names and nicknames)
she whispers "birdie" (sounds like "birkie" LOL)
"good birdie"
"be good birdie"
"bad birdie" (sounds pretty gurgled)
"yummmmmy!!!" (when she gets food or treats AND when she sees my husband and I eating!)
"come 'ere!" (and smooch noises)
"come 'ere baby bird"
"what're you dooooon" (what're you doing)
she makes a kissy sound and gives us kisses with her beak - so adorable!

AND she heard me have a 'laugh attack' a few months ago and immediately picked it up! Oh dear! If we laugh about something even slightly now, she starts her laugh! She also mimics my cough if she hears me cough (thanks to a recent cold I had). I'm sure there's more that I can't think of right now! I just love her so much!!! Seems like she has a large vocabulary for a green cheek!
You have the exception! The rest of us have to really stretch our imagination! Most of my JoJo and I is her teaching me! For a non bird person to hear me, well, who cares!
Pumpkin says

Hi pumpkin
Come here
Pretty pumpkin
Good boy
Pretty boy
He laughs, and clicks his tongue
He is still learning more he barely started saying good boy a week or two ago.
Atti my sun is a chatterbox. You need to know him and how he speaks to hear the mimicry (a lot of people assume he's just saying a lot of croaky mush, and regularly comment that he doesn't sound like a parrot)

He says:
Hi Atti!
Bad Echo! (Echo being my mothers tiel)
Echooooooo come heeeeeere
Molly Come! (Molly was a previous dog, she would actually obey his commands, wish I'd gotten it on camera)
Molly Sit!
Molly Heel!
Pretty Bird
Keshet Come! (the current dog, he loves her name because it sounds like a sneeze)
Mia get back here right now (mother's dog)

He says a lot more, and continually mimics. Atti looks over my yard and a neighbours yard from his window and the neighbour often sings to himself, so naturally Atti sings along, contributing croaks to the tune when he doesn't know the words.

He laughs and sneezes and coughs and sighs, and also mimics claps, stomping, creaky chairs, wind chimes, any parrot song he hears... His love is understanding animals names and how to summon them, and he's good enough at it that he can get a reaction from some of the dogs.
"Hi Foo" Her greeting to us all
"hi Foofanny"
"Yum" All things good, good food, good scritches..good stuff
She does a come here click that means give me that..whatever it is you have
"Katlyn" Flock call and my daughters name
"Kiss" followed by the smooch sound
"Be Nice" I think she tells her self this when she knows she not going to be.
"eff You" war
"Kick your A**" She wants to crazy play
"pretty bird"
"Watcha doing?"

She laughs..sounds totally evil bird too
Sneezes, which freaked me out initially cause I thought she was sick.
coughs, I was more prepared so tested before panicing. :)

There are quiet a few other things we think she is saying, or trying to say, but it's pretty garbled and she whispers them.
Skittles doesn't speak any "human" words, but sunnies are not known to be good 'talking' birds in general.

BUT, he does speak birdy talk quite well! He makes the most adorable "kissy noises", ESPECIALLY when he wants something. Little bugger!

He also make 'froggy noises' and 'purring noises'. The froggy noises he makes throughout the day, but he does them quite frequently when I am speaking. It's as if he is saying "blah,blah,blah,blah,blah, not hearing you!". LOL.

His purring noises he makes especially when he is rubbing his beak or head against fabric. He will also make "squeaking" noises.

I imagine if he could say any human words it would be these: "gimme,gimme,gimme" and "hey, that's MINE".
Foggy isn't a big talker, but he does have a few words, and more sound effects: "Upup" (which means "Let's hang out, aren't we having fun?") and "Goodnight!" He whistles, he can make a kiss sound and he likes to laugh along with us or with laugh tracks. He can also imitate the peep of my girlfriend's electronic car lock. He peeps back when she gets home and when she's out of town he peeps at the door to try and summon her. He imitates sneezes and coughs too.
My Jenday says "No" " What are you doing?" And " huh?" She sounds like a cantankerous old lady when she talks, it's really funny to hear!

My Sunday doesn't talk but he makes this melodramatic crying noise when him and Jenday are fighting over pellets or when it's his bedtime- he hates going to bed!

Both my GCCs say "Baby" and " Baby Kiss" and make kissing noises.
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Hahaha. My sun conure says step up, hi, kissing smoochy noises, and he used to laugh whenever someone laughs he'd laugh along however for some unknown reason he decided to stop that one. Too bad because it was one of the cuter ones. He does mumble other things, but we can't for the life of us figure out what he's trying to say:)
My Dusky conure was a scary good talker. He talked in a soft whisper, but he used language in context.

None of my other conures had much of a vocabulary.
My new conure a couple just sent me says his name Yuki, step up, come here, and I swear the other night I thought he said "I'm gonna get you!" but it was in that garbly conure voice so it's hard to tell. My first conure was an older breeder bird and he doesn't say anything but a sort of grumble talk you can't make out when he's mad.
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My F GCC doesn't say any actual words, but we do play a cute game. I will click 1-4 times and she copies me exactly with a click of the same number. Then we will go through different sounds that she copies including "eeep" (very very softly).

Both of my Suns talk although my male is much better. Words include:

Good Morning
Where you going?
Kiss Kiss
A bunch of other rumblings that will probably evolve into words.

I am really surprised they don't make noises in the environment. We have sheep bleating, dogs barking and the phone ringing ALL day. Not one of those sounds from the Suns.
My little GCC JellyBean sayes; JellyBean very clearly, Baby, Tara's Baby, Jeff (my partner's name) whenever he hears a car pull up!! He laughs when he tickles the inside of my ear and says love you... They are the most loveable creatures ever!!
My Kyo is also a great talker!
Every morning before she is let out she knows she needs to do her poop first, so the first thing she says is "go poop" over and over until she finally does it.

She says "I love you" when she is content or wants to come out when we have her downstairs and she won't leave her daddy alone.
She says hi Birdie when looking out of the window.
She gives kisses when I ask her for kisses.
She yells "WEEEEEEE!!!"
She dances and says "Dance" but it sounds like "deeeeeeanse!"
"Be a good girl"
"don't bite"
"Good birdie"
"Hey baby"
"Dougal, no!" (that's when our cat scratches at the door to her room)
"Come 'ere!"
"What are you doing?"
"Where's Kyo?"
"Don't do that"

And I also taught her to make fart noises because I'm 26 and think I'm 10. It makes me laugh every time she does it. :3

She learns more and more every day. She is a wicked talker and I never even had the expectation that she would talk at all, so it's a bonus for us :)
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Gilbert doesn't have a big vocabulary but the words he knows, he says over and over and over. :)

Gilbert's a good boy.
Good boy!
You're such a good boy!
Go Poop!
Come on, Come on.
Give Kiss!
Gilbert! Gillygillygillygil (some variation on this).
he also laughs and will sometimes string these things together as they would have happened when he heard it ("give kiss?" kiss sound "good boy, Gilbert!" or "Go poop!.....Good boy!")
Oh yeah...and of course, "hello! Hello! HELLOOOO, HEEELLLLOOOO!"

I say a lot of other things frequently but these are the things he seems to enjoy repeating...and repeating....and repeating. haha
I do like it when he really gets chatty, and inserts laughter in it, like he is having both sides of the conversation (when he chats up a storm and I laugh, clearly he likes it).
My red-bellied conure says his name, Django. He also says "don't bite". Often while in the act of biting
My red-bellied conure says his name, Django. He also says "don't bite". Often while in the act of biting
"go poop!" is sometimes said while pooping on me. :( haha

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