Easter Bunny


New member
Oct 8, 2014
North Carolina
Big Bird _ Blue & Gold Macaw
I love that.
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There is a little hardware store close to where I live. They thought they would make a few extra dollars last year and offered baby ducks for Easter. For about two weeks after they would find ducks in the Display water fountain . People found out how much trouble they were and would just drop the ducks off when they were closed :) I was told they ended up with 25 they had to relocate LOL
Ah, yes, the baby ducks...

I have a good baby duck story for you.

Where I lived in Hercules, CA had a duck pond in central park, which was walking distance from my house. (I used to take the birds there after work sometimes.) So, everyone in the neighborhood knew I had parrots, as mine were out and about all the time...

So, I get home from work, and my neighbors were hanging out in front of my house. And I'm greeted with "Oh, good, you're home. Your duck got out." And it's been running around frantic in front of your house. We didn't know what to do."

"My duck?! I don't have a duck."

SURE ENOUGH there was a big white duck running around in front of my house, and it appeared to be losing it's mind...

Okay, what's up with that? So I hear baby bird noises, and I go over and look down the storm drain. There are four or five baby ducks all cuddled up. Mama duck apparently had big enough feet to make it across the grate, but all her babies had fallen in... and she couldn't get them out!


My second thought was how do we get them out of there...

Well, the minute I started messing with the babies, Moma duck starts being an even greater pain in the butt, and starts getting attacky... I had to drive her off, and after a couple of attempts at threatening her, she finally flew back to the duck pond.

I essentially took an old nutriberry bucket, cut it down to the point where it would fit into the storm drain, and duck taped the end of it to a stick, and used it as a scooper, to scoop them out. Oddly enough, the little baby ducks lined up single file, and marched right on to the scooper... unlike mama they figured out I was trying to help them.

We transferred them into another nutriberry bucket, with a lid that had holes in it, so they stayed put... (I always wondered why I was saving those things.) And I drove them back down to the duck pond. I was worried about how I would find their mother, and what I was going to do with them if I didn't.

I took the bucket to the edge of the pond and they cued up again, and marched out in single file calling for Momma... who immediately came rushing over to claim them. She seemed to checked every feather on each one, then they lined up single file behind her, and marched off into the water.

That was one of those "Kodak moments." :D
Love it! When will people learn, LIVE ANIMALS MAKE TERRIBLE GIFTS (especially for kids!).
Oh don't even get me into this! :( we have tons of cute fluffy bunny babies on sale now that will end up "for free" on CL a month or two later. I'm actually planning to take a bunny since they are safe with parrots, so I'll wait till May or June. I hate the live Easter bunny tradition - it's such an abuse of animals! People think that bunnies are toys...
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My son did have a Bunny growing up. It would walk around the yard with him just like a dog. He lived 6 years. You could open his cage and he would roam around the yard with you. it was given to him by his Grandmother Yup at Easter LOL
Thanks for posting this Christine!

Mark the duck story was too cute! Marched out single file LOL! :D Funny how they're just programed by nature to do that. "Duck" tape? Haha
Thanks for posting this Christine!

Mark the duck story was too cute! Marched out single file LOL! :D Funny how they're just programed by nature to do that. "Duck" tape? Haha

It was in this case... :D gotta throw a few puns in there. Most of mine are worse...
Thanks for this post, Christine!

Mark, thanks for contributing the cute story! I'm glad it turned out well for the mom and her ducklings.
The only animal renditions I buy for Easter are chocolate bunnies, malted chocolate eggs, and those noxious Peeps! (Peeps are squishy little sugar-delivery devices!!)
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The only animal renditions I buy for Easter are chocolate bunnies, malted chocolate eggs, and those noxious Peeps! (Peeps are squishy little sugar-delivery devices!!)

A co-worker and I manage to eat a few packages every year lol. Stuff is really bad for you and I am not a person who eats a lot of sweets so a for a few hours after eating them I GET A LOT OF WORK DONE

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