English budgie is home!


Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2014
College Station, Texas
Red Bellied Parrot /
Ruppell's Parrot /
Bronze Winged Pionus /
English Budgie
This is the update and follow up to this thread :).

So he/she came home today and had a vet visit as well. This baby was handfed and is tame! They kept the baby and the sibling until they were weaned for over a week, maintaining weight, AND even eating broccoli and other fresh foods. (what store does all that?!) I was impressed.

So sweet and adorable. Much bigger and fluffier than Twigs the American keet. They're calling from the other room to each other. ;)

One of the vet tests I had done was DNA sexing. From what I've read about the cere appearance of babies, I'm thinking female. We'll see.

Still as of now, no name. I was originally thinking Olive, since the color upon first glance is olive. In good light it's actually a blue wash over yellow, and might change further after the first molt, so I hesitate to base the name on color.
Here's the cute baby!

Oh Julie, I am so thrilled that Twig's new buddy is finally home! What a stunning Budgie, those colours just blow me away.
I think that store is pretty wonderful, they sound like they truly care about the well being of the birds in their care.

I can't wait to see more pictures and to learn the name you choose!!!
Welcome home, Little One! Congratulations Julie, he/she is adorable! Very nice that your new baby is tame and already eating veggies.
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Thanks!! :D
When you choose to purchase a bird from a bird store, it's always refreshing to see one that really goes above and beyond to make sure the baby is enough past weaning and introduced to a variety of foods, and variety of toys, and not just quickly pushing them out the door for the money. Educated staff too which is nice.

The vet said all test results will be back within about 14 days, and I thought 'wow, it's never taken THAT long'. I hope it's sooner than that!

Meanwhile, I'm racking my brain for a cute name. Don likes to see the personality first, while that aspect isn't important to me when naming. With the parrots, I already had their names in mind before I even met them.
Adorable! Congrats!
Aww so adorable! Looks like a girl to me too. :)
Welcome home little one. Congrats on your new baby Julie.

I like the name Trixie for a girl. Not sure on a boys name.
Oh my soooo cute! I love the name Twigs what about another unisex name that will go with it like Bracken or Fern?
Congrats on the new baby!! English budgies are just the fluffiest little things! Adorable!
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Thanks everyone! Omg I didn't even see the last several posts from the past couple days :eek:.

Anyway... "It" (LOL) has a name finally... Mink :)

Oh my soooo cute! I love the name Twigs what about another unisex name that will go with it like Bracken or Fern?

I was actually thinking that too, about a name that sort of "matched" Twigs. After weeks of racking my brain... plants, flowers, mythical, celestial, small fruits, no no no... Nothing sounded quite fitting. I ALMOST settled on Olive. I don't know how, but Mink just popped right into my head when I wasn't even thinking about a name, and it finally felt like the 'right' one.
Can't believe I missed this thread, Julie! Mink is even more beautiful than her initial pics led me to believe! More pics, lady! You can't stop at just one!
Cute name, Julie! How is Mink doing?
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Thank you!! :D More pics coming later today I promise! Also pics of new flight cage set up :)

I really think Mink is a girl from what I've read on visually sexing baby budgies by the cere. DNA to confirm next week hopefully. I will just say "she" unless DNA test proves me wrong.

Mink is doing well in general, but I can tell she seems displaced. I feel so bad for her, it's so boring in her quarantine cage even with toys. She is eating at least, and drinking. I saw evidence of nibbling at veggies once too.
I don't know how I missed this post!? Congrats Julie on your beautiful new baby and I love the name Mink:)

How has Twigs reacted to his new friend?
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I don't know how I missed this post!? Congrats Julie on your beautiful new baby and I love the name Mink:)

How has Twigs reacted to his new friend?

Thanks April, Twigs is chirping, singing, and screaming from the other room, but then again Twigs is always making noise, so I can't be sure that it's in response to Mink's occasional chirps :).

I thought the name was cute since she's cuddly, soft, looks like she has a little fur coat when she not all slicked down, and reminds me of a little furry mammal (then so does Griffin lol).

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