Enrichment ideas, share yours


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
I'm often posting how I use ceiling hooks abd heavy weight fishing line to create what I call an aerial gym. I attach foraging stuff, stuff to chew, and treats to find to keep my flock busy. So now I will share examples to inspire you. Hopefully you all will share yours to inspire me too!

this one is by my chair so my gang can hang out near me. It has a bamboo log to chew or stuff treats in. Pikachu and Penny

The above is hanging over their cages. I don't make it easy to get to their favorite yucca chips! Phoebe and Pikachu
this had bird clay mineral block on top, and stuff to chew

For my size parrots this plastic ball works to stuff pumpkin seeds in . Choose your parrots beak destruction safe materials.
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Oh Ta-dah just found them !

Of course they still find other places to hang out...but 90% of the time they choose "their furniture" to hang out on, greatly reducing the destruction of my furniture
The keets, Cloudy Skies, Clear Skies, and Blue Boy
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Wonderful aerial gym! Fishing line super aesthetic and easy to use, just worry a bit about ease of destruction with well-placed beak chew or potential ingestion. All depends on your birds and monitoring!
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You can attach the fishing line to plastic or stainless steel links to above head hight on perch connections.

I haven't had any issues with my smaller beaked birds . They so far ( several years) haven't had any interest in it. Its clear not that exciting to them. But every parrot is different , so observations and caution. I don't use rope because when I did it that way at first they climbed it to the top and chewed on ceiling and or walls .

And thanks. I did it because cheap and easy, and took advantage of wasted space above the cage. Increased activity
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I'm sure many of you have much nicer and interesting ideas.
Sure hope you will share.

My house has definitely gone to the birds :) I have more stuff not shown but always looking for inspiration
Right now, the room my birds are in isn't too interesting for them. They have their cage and a big window that they like to sit by, but nothing else for them. I really want to add more perches around the room and toys for them to play with. I look forward to getting lots of inspiration from this thread.
Wish I could do something like that might be able in my craft room but out in living space hubby will not allow
Excellent topic!!

I loved what you provided to them! I am still learning the power of such play stands to make them happy.

Tonight I was watching the news while I introduced Sam to his new play stand. He loved right away, much to my surprise as he would rather stay in my hand or head than try new perches...

He particularly loved the colourful plastic pieces which made me think I should provide more colourful things...


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such a beauty!!!!!!@@@@
Absolutely a wonderful enrichment. Parrots love things they can move and have an impact on. Having something tied they can pull up is a great toy as well!

Another thing you can try thst is simple but mine never seem to tire of . Put a bunch of plastic rings around a perch that they can slide off off and fling. Once they figure thst out they think they are so smart, of course I'm right there telling them how smart they are. They are like a baby throwing a pacifier, over sbd over lol. Or when they aren't looking I do this to one of their perches in their cage.
Or some like to untie knots. To take raffia or strips of paper something safe and tie easy knots around some perches.
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O was stuffing this millet holder with veggies, when 2 couldn't wait. I use what ever I have, wasn't done, broccoli, cauliflower, green bean, celery, zucchini, yellow squash, abd radish went in it. In the bowl are cranberry
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"oh it cant be tha-"
*pictures load*
*jaw drop*
I would do more perches but they gotta fly, ya know?

I also forgot to show the bird tree so here

it kinda sucks to have no space in your room, but anything for them!
Screenshot 2022-01-15 7.01.44 PM.png
Screenshot 2022-01-15 6.19.28 PM.png
Screenshot 2022-01-15 6.05.40 PM.png
Screenshot 2022-01-15 7.15.55 PM.png

(last one is an indoor aviary; I have it in addition to flight cages for all my birds and a sleep cage)
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Welp I'll post the aviary in the spring!

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