Evil Photo


New member
May 17, 2010
South Africa - Cape Town
Mustache Parakeet - Milo
CAG - Charlie
This is just for those of you who are experiencing winter right now... Thought I would share this photo I took yesterday. [emoji12] Mwhahaha

lol, I wish I had a nice pic of the beach to share... I spent yesterday evening on my patio eating dinner in short sleeves with a friend - no real winter here in Hawaii!
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O my! I would love to visit Hawaii one day. It is one of those dream destinations. I think to live there must be absolutely amazing!
If you ever get out this way be sure to send me a message, and I can be your tour guide; I know the best things to do for free or cheap! Lol, that is if it is in the next few years; we will be moving after that due to my husband's career.
Beautiful pic!!

72F/23C with mostly clear skies today in Northern San Diego!
Miloslave, please turn around so I can do this to you....

I SO miss warm temps. HATE winter with a passion!! Went to the gym earlier (5 minute drive), and an hour later there were 3" of snow on the ground and it took 20 minutes to go back home. UGH UGH UGH!!!!
That's a beautiful photo! Wicked of you to post it today, but still a lovely photo!
Yay, and we just had a massive blizzard for two days here! I took this one on my very short walk (as my broken toe allowed) near my home a hour ago. :) We had one of the most beautiful sparkling bright winter days today. So winter is pretty too! :)


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Gee thanks Ronel! Here's what we've got for weather right now, I love MN though so we'll have spring and summer in due time!
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Ugh... I'm so jealous of that warm weather! It was -30 degrees Celsius here today, yuck.
It's been in the mid 70's or even low 80's this winter in my region of Southern CA. BUT I'm sort of disappointed! Don't get me wrong, I don't envy the snow or extreme cold, but some days it just gets so hot in the house still. I was tired of it in summer which was much hotter, but it just didn't get to winter this year.

10 years ago it used to at least get to be in the 50's during the day at times, but the climate here is changing. Seems like every year it gets hotter. Well it IS technically desert ;).

The South Africa beach is beautiful miloslave... Our beaches are dirty. It's a shame.
O my! I would love to visit Hawaii one day. It is one of those dream destinations. I think to live there must be absolutely amazing!
I wish I snapped a pic earlier I'm lucky enough to live a few minutes away from the beach :D!

If you ever get out this way be sure to send me a message, and I can be your tour guide; I know the best things to do for free or cheap! Lol, that is if it is in the next few years; we will be moving after that due to my husband's career.
If you would be up for it, hiking up the mountains in Hawaii Kai area is definitely worth it for the view! I personally think that the Kailua and North Shore side is best for more local foods and products.
Not to mention, I would definitely add in going to Zippys for a cheap meal (or maybe Rainbow Drive In) ! And poi malasadas! ... and every single shave/snow ice store ;)
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Morning guys and gals! Thanks for all the kicks in the behind, lol.

Yes it really is stunning weather here right now, but then again, the amount of times we have seen snow here can be counted on one hand. So a white christmas is something we will never see unless we come to visit some of you guys. It is so true that winter can be beautifull too!
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In the immortal words of Charlie Brown..."Arrrrgh"! Just got done shoveling 18" of snow. And when they finally plowed the street, I had to go out there and shovel the 4 foot wall of packed snow/ice from my curb that the plow trucks left behind. Come on, April!
Oi !! Milo, you meany LOL....rub it in. Just spent the day digging out of 10 inches of snow with 3 foot snow drifts. happy happy joy joy....NOT !!!

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