Fireplace screens - any danger?


New member
May 27, 2015
Calgary, AB, Canada
Taco: female cinnamon pearl cockatiel - hatched: ~September 2013, Gotcha date: Nov 29th, 2013
Tiki: Male yellow-sided green cheek conure - hatched April 10th, 2015, Gotcha date May 24, 2015
Does anyone know what kind of metal fireplace screens are made with? We have a gas fireplace and there is a metal mesh-like screen on it. It's just decorative since it the glass doesn't open. Tiki likes to climb on the mesh links and I just want to make sure the metal isn't poisonous to birds. It's black/dark grey in color. Does anyone know what I am talking about and know if it is poisonous to birds? Thx.
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Hi. Thanks for replying and sorry I didn't respond. I actually did not know where my post went to as I usually post in the conure section. Didnt think to search my posts until now to find it.

The screen you linked to is different. Ours is actually a curtain type mesh, same idea though. Both my fids have taken a liking to climbing it.
Bronze was once popular, but today it is steel wire with a high temperature paint coating (example: engine paint). The concern is the coating. Adherence is rarely a problem with US manufactured screens. However, even the high-end units can have third world manufactured screens. The paints used would have an unknown chemical base and the adherence factor is also unknown.

I am guessing that the screen is to limit the likelihood of being burned by the hot glass (new code) that separates the burning (heat) chamber from the outside. If the screen can be taken away when the unit is not in use, I would recommend doing that, but assure that it is in place when in use.

If you cannot remove the screen, contact the manufacturer and address the issue regarding the coating. General Statement: Do not let your parrot climb on the screen.

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