foot problems


Active member
Nov 30, 2023
i don't know if you have noticed, but my bird seems to get into a lot of trouble. I posted a long time ago about how her foot had scabs on it, and it was because of a scratchy perch I put in her cage. Now that same foot is kinda yellowish, and it has still a little bit of the scabs. Now she chews on it constantly, and when I hold her, she tries not to put pressure on the foot, even lifting it, which is unusual for her. Do any of you guys know if there are some natural remedies I can do to help her foot? If it doesn't work, I might take her to the vet. Sorry, these are not very good pictures, but you can see how she holds it up lots of the time.
Thanks! DSC02626.JPGDSC02628.JPGDSC02629.JPG
It’s possible it’s bumble foot which is basically an abscess in the pad of the foot. It can be very painful for the bird, making them not want to put weight on the foot. Warm compresses, if your bird will let you, can help open up and drain the abscess. If she won’t let you do that, a vet is probably your best option. Hope she feels better soon ❤️.
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ok thank you! I will try that, she sits on a birdie heater most of the day though. it is always warm. Does that count?
ok thank you! I will try that, she sits on a birdie heater most of the day though. it is always warm. Does that count?
That might help with the pain but you also need moisture to soften the skin and open the pores so the abscess can drain.
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ok thank you. it doesn't seem swollen, but i will see if she will let me😊
I would recommend a vet visit so they can confirm whether it's bumblefoot. If it's just dry and scabby, coconut oil might help. It's safe (although high fat content so you wouldn't want to do this forever) and will help to moisturize the skin so it can heal.

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