Foot Temperature


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Jul 29, 2015
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I have a male 17yr old Orange Wing Amazon named Mr. Precious & a 15yr old female Harlequin Macaw named Merlin & a 3 year old male GW named Rocco.
This may be a stupid question but I'm not sure why both of my birds' feet seem to differ so much in temperature. Sometimes they feel warm while perched on my arm & other times cool. Is this internal temp control kind of like dogs panting? (Both birds feet meaning my harlequin & Amazon):red1:
Pixie's body heat seems to vary; when she's relaxed(preening/zoning out/etc) she seems warmer and doesn't poop.
Sometimes it can be caused when your bird is feeling hot or cold because as the birds feet are bare skin you will fell the temperature difference as the feathers on its body trap the heat in. When the bird is hot its whole body will be hot but because of the feathers you will not fell the rest of its skin and so the feet appear warmer. If your birds feet are a similar temperature to your skin then your bird is comfortable. :D
Birds have the ability to regulate blood flow to their feet depending on environmental temperature and body heat regulation needs. The feet are where most body heat is lost. So when it's cold out, your bird's feet will seem cold as the body has reduced blood flow to the feet to eliminate heat loss. Also, if one foot was just tucked in, it will be much warmer than the extended leg. Hope this helps :)
If mine are on their wood perches, their feet are warm, but if they've been climbing around their cage or play tops, cold tootsies. There are times that Venus is sitting on my shoulder, one foot tucked in her feathers. When she puts that foot down, it's very warm while the foot she is standing on is mildly warm. If I find her on her cage with cold feet I like to pick her up and put her on my shoulder so her feet will warm up. She seems to like that.

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