Fostering Eggs


Jun 11, 2010
Yeh! Last time I got to look Tinkerbell had 5x eggs.
And still no luck for Roxy, Max kept checking the box, so hopefull.
So after talking to a couple of Bird people, I decided to give 2x of Tink's eggs to Max and Roxy.
Who seem to have adpoted the eggs without question and have moved right on to sitting on the eggs. I hope they get at least one baby out of the two eggs.
Well, Max watched me playing around and went to the nest box to look! In he popped and out again. This was early morning, around lunch time all four Tiels were in their nest boxes.:)
Moving on three days later. The girls do the night shift and the boys take over just after light. Then it seems to be random, but nearly always someone one the eggs in both boxes.
The mood in the place is getting better all the time.

When I moved the eggs I did see if I could candle them. It was way too early to see any formation.
I had looked at the eggs when there was only three, and one looked bad.
I did not mark this one so have no idea who got that one.
As the boxes are hard to get to without them being around, it maybe awhile before I get the chance to check what is going on.
Sounds like things are going well with your tiels social lives lol.

Good on Max and Roxy, such good birds for taking in the eggs. Can't wait to read how the hatching goes. How long have the eggs been there for now? so exciting :D.

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