Funny conure stories


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
This is a place to write about some of the funny things our birds do. You know those silly or ingenious things our birds do that make us laugh or smile that the non-bird lovers in our lives don’t seem to understand why we find it so amusing.

Here are some examples

There will be a place to write about these moments at the top of each of the breed forums. So get those stories rolling…. Oh yeah, stories that have pictures always gets a couple extra brownie points.
Chilis First Night

Here is alittle background on how I got chili. I have always been a parrot freak I love them and it is my mom who got me started. My husband had promised me a sun conure for about four years and I finally got him looking into it. We found a local breader who was just starting to wean his babies and we had the first pick out of four. He send me pictures of these four little dander feathered babies and chili stole my heart with his cute little face.I was heart broken to learn that I would have to wait 3 weeks (I think) for my baby so in mean time I fixed up his house and went toy crazy. I finally gave in and called the breeder and asked if I could take over the weaning because I just can't stand waiting so after two hours of waiting to hear back I think I paced and when he finally called back his wife and him had agreed they where becoming to attached and since I knew what I was doing Chili could come home.

My husband and I took a four hour drive to pick him up when we got there both him and his wife said Chili can't fly and hasn't even tried so you don't have to worry while your doing the weaning. I said okie dokie and that night during a feeding chili took off from the table straight up hitting his head on the ceiling and crashing down to my hands I felt so bad but now as I watch him fly around his birdie room when its his play time I laugh thinking about his first few flying crashing days
I call this story "I fought the ball and the ball won." Bane the Sun Conure in my avatar loves to play ball on his back. Sometimes he will be on his back holding two balls as though he can juggle. In his cage he has 2 ladders and 2 shelves. He was on his back playing with the ball then went on the ladder that is about 4 inches wide and played ball on his back on there he got so involved in his playing that he just rolled off the ladder then walked over to the side of the cage where I was and look at me as if he wanted to know what the heck just happened. It was soooo funny and the best part is I caught most of it on video.
I have tried to upload it but unfortunately I live in the boonies and still can only get dialup so it wont upload. Keeps timing out. As soon as I can get to a computer with high speed I am going to upload it.
attacking bird please help

ok I bought my nanday conure 1 years ago out the paper for my 4 year old daughter birthday present who is 5 now. The Nanday lived with a man all her life (4 years),and now that she is at my house she will bite everybody BUT my husband. Any other male who tries to touch her she will try and bite. Our fingers can go NOWHERES near the cage or she will bite down forcefully. We let her out ONCE to fly around the house , she landed on my shoulder and started attacking my ear. Nobody handles her BUT MY HUSBAND , they have a bond , she whisles when he does, she bobs her head when he does , she makes water noises when he drinks from cups , he is the only one who can clean her cage and interact with her...I really wanted her as a FAMILY PET ,any advice as to how to start "taming" her??? We will keep her regardless , but it would be soooo much nicer if she was a sweet loveable bird!
Try posting this in the behavioral section.
You'll get more responses and help.
Some birds are like this though, and bond to one person. This is some birds nature and cannot be fully trained out.
It will take a while to train the bird - he has to gain a lot of trust.
One day I am sitting at the kitchen table with the laptop and skittles, my sun conure, flys over and lands on the back, I leaned close and moved my head to the side and make a woosh noise, he apparently thought this was neat so he copied me, over and over, it was really cute, but now when he does it, he sets the beat lol if you dont follow him he wont do it at all. lol
My daughter recorded it and put music to it :):orange:
I will try to post the video again later, wouldnt let me do it right now.
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I brought Yoshi, my Pearly Conure, home yesterday, after seeing him in the store a couple of months ago and just falling in love with him. I have read online that a move to a new home is traumatizing to a bird and that you should put him in the cage and leave him alone for a few days while he settles in. Not this guy! He wants my attention all the time, and has even won the cat over! They kissed (nose to beak), and he loves to preen my hair and give me kisses, even trying to slip me his tongue. But the funniest thing he's done so far was pick my nose! Ewww! :p
Great to hear how they entertain us and certainly themselves.
Keep the stories coming in !!!
Take care
we have several funny birds. i would have to say that the funniest thing so far is something my baby gcc does. we havent had him/her very long and last night when i was watching the football game with my husband we heard this weird laughing noise. at first we thought it was one of the neighbors downstairs,but my husband noticed they were gone. so we just thought we heard things. well we sat down and watched the game again and it started up again. so my husband opened the door to the bird room and there was the baby gcc(11 weeks old) laughing so loud and then said ohhhhhhhhhh babbyyyyyyyyy. now like i said we have funny birds like our cockatiels but that has got to be the funniest thing that any of the birds have ever done.
My silly Sun conure knows the difference between his name and the cats names. So if he's sitting on me or my husband and we call one of the cats he will start pulling on our lip with his beak. But if you say his name after calling the cats then he will rub his beak on our lip instead. He also seems to know the differnce between the cats names and the kids names because calling the kids names doesn't even phase him. :orange:
My dusky conure, Dusty doesn't quite trust anything new. We had a bunch of bird toys and perches go on sale at my job so i decided to buy dusty all new toys being that he's had the same toys for so long and i felt bad about not giving him new enrichment. So i bought all these toys and such and i come home clean them and then place one toy in his cage. He freaks out by climbing to the uppermost corner of his cage and screams. I opened his cage door and he immediately flew out at me. I tried to put him near the toy and he freaked out again. So i removed the toy and added another new one...again he freaked out. Each of the new toys i bought him he freaked out on.

I have now learned that the only way to get him to accept new things in his cage is to first attach them to his play stand outside of his cage. He generally likes them better that way. When he becomes comfortable with the new toys then i move them to his cage.
my mitred conure rex was such a pig hehe. i remember one day i had ordered some pepperoni pizza. i brought the pizza into my room and laid it on the bed. i turned around to grab something and rex had opened the pizza box up grabbed a piece of pepperoni and took off with it. it was so ridiculous.
My Jenday, Mango, loves crawling into tight spaces. So I always put empty paper bags, or dog food bags in his cage. He loves to bite holes in those and move them from one side of the cage to the other. The peekaboo game is his favorite too, he will run in and out of those bags. He either sleeps in his hammock in the top of his cage or on the bottom in a bag.
My Jenday, Mango, loves crawling into tight spaces. So I always put empty paper bags, or dog food bags in his cage. He loves to bite holes in those and move them from one side of the cage to the other. The peekaboo game is his favorite too, he will run in and out of those bags. He either sleeps in his hammock in the top of his cage or on the bottom in a bag.

Mango sounds so cute, wish I could see the peekaboo game. :eek:
Thank goodness Mango is a bird, and not human, otherwise he would be mistaken for a hobo LoL
Thanks for sharing, love all the stories. :D
I LOVE conures! I have had much smaller birds all my life..and when in undergrad, I worked as "bird maintenance" girl at a local pet shop. One day, an elderly man comes in for a bird wing trim carrying a shoebox (lovely). There was the cutest, feather-picker (blue-crowned conure) I had ever seen! The man said his son had gone to college 8 years ago and always made excuses about not coming back for her, and he and his wife wanted a better home for her. So Nanuk became one of my first rescues!
It took 3 years to socialize her to were I could pet her and she would play with toys. My boyfriend (now husband) at the time moved in, and she IMMEDIATELY loved him (and totally abandoned me). I knew he was perfect for me b/c he didn't shy away from her beak lunged (like most) and he would play with her and she would "guard" him from the dog while he napped.
She came so much more out of her shell when a male figure was around!
My husband, though, didn't have as much free time as I did, and she grew lonely when she didn't want me to be her friend anymore.
I worried so much about her when I went to vet school, b/c I would have even less time.
BUT, she latched onto one of my male friends who fell in love with her, and now she enjoys an only pet (her) household with all the attn she deserves! We still miss her, though...but I've seen how happy she is...and I can't compete with that.
gotta lot conures!
As much as we love our birds, their happiness must come first. No matter how heartbroken and sad we are.
Having seen how happy she is with her new guardian, you have peace of mind.
Sure in her own way, she is grateful and thankful, by not being neglected, due to circumstances.
I salute you !!!!
My GCC Hiroshi does this thing that I call "Tellin his side of the story".

I'll be sitting with my knees up playing with him or talking to him and then suddenly he runs up to the top of my knee and squabbles all these different sounds, shakes his head a bit, fluffs his feathers and "tells his side of the story" lol.

It's adorable and pretty funny too. I swear he doesn't realize how small and cute he looks when hes protesting.:rolleyes:
I have a couple stories:

(here's a short one) One day, while me and my sister were fighting about who know what, we suddenly heard this loud "SSSSSHHHHHHHHH", so we both look at our mom, who was watching t.v. and found out she said nothing. so we kept fighting and we here it again, "SSSSSSHHHHHHH" so we stop, and wait for a second and about a minute later after thinking it was outside, I look at kiwi, and he says "SSSSHHH" it was Hilarious!!!!

Here's the other story:

Well, Kiwi LOVES attention (as do most birds), but he'll do some weird things to get it. So, 1 day while flipping through channels, we pass this "old school" rap music channel, as soon as we change it, kiwi shreaks, so we decide to change it back for a second. After about 10 seconds, all you here is "Dance, dance, dance", so we look at kiwi, and all you see it kiwi squaking away, singing "dance, dance, dance" moving his whole body around, bobbing his head... We NEVER taught him this, it was just out of the blue. So know, when he wants attention, he'll start singing and dancing!!! IT is SOOO CUTE:D!!! I wish i could get a video, but he's really camera shy:5_sad: (well, he loves the camera, just doesn't like the video camera)...

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