Funny poicephalus stories


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
This is a place to write about some of the funny things our birds do. You know those silly or ingenious things our birds do that make us laugh or smile that the non-bird lovers in our lives don’t seem to understand why we find it so amusing.

Here are some examples

There will be a place to write about these moments at the top of each of the breed forums. So get those stories rolling…. Oh yeah, stories that have pictures always gets a couple extra brownie points.
Well I have a Senegal Parrot Popsicle. She is a little devil always up to no good. She has recently started saying "Step Up" and of course she thinks that is the best thing to say, so she says it constantly. Sometimes when I put my finger down for her to step up, before I even say it, she will say Step Up and then run and hide. I'm sure she thinks she is very funny, which I think she is. She will also chase my cat around saying "Step Up, Step Up"

She is just to much fun, I don't think she will ever wanna learn to say anything else.
That is just too cute, they have a way of making us smile at the smallest things don't they. Will she laugh after she says step up, its just I can imagine her chasing the cat round saying step up and laughing so hard. :D
She hasn't started laughing yet but I'm sure she is laughing very hard on the inside!!!
I have a 'up' funny with my Senegal.

Keupi learned the up command while he was weaning. I was visiting during that time and loved playing with him. I also figured, never too early... every time we played 'climby' games (from t bar to t bar, t bar to finger, etc) I would always say 'up' anytime he put a foot, well, up.

He's now five. To this day, he will 'up' no matter what - with one foot and only one foot per up. He needs a second 'up' for the other one. One 'up' one foot, second 'up' other foot.

His 'up' command is actually 'up-up' if you want two feet. If you only say 'up' he'll step with one foot and then look at you like 'now what' (he's also said 'what' - yes spoke the word 'what' in the this circumstance - in the 'hello human' tone while he's, um, footing on two different levels). It's so funny though to watch... he's footing on two different perches (either expressing in look or verbal), the person is looking at me and I'll I can say is 'give him another one - he needs two'
Hmm, didn't know this thread was here! Tracy and Keupi, those are very funny stories!

Here's one I've previously posted, but because it makes me laugh hysterically, decided to cross-reference it here:

Also, right after we'd gotten Cecil, I worked gawd awful hours and I felt guilty about leaving her home alone (with all the other brats, er, I mean animals). So, I bought a video called "Winged Migration" (and her cage was close to and in view of the television). I set the recorder to play the tape, run out and pay several client visits, run back home and rewind the tape, and run back out to work some more. This went on for a few days. I think Cecil secretly wanted to strangle me and chew the tape up as she was probably so sick of listening to it and watching it.

But, the tape itself had no human voice over on it at all. It was only the sounds of migratory birds. ...

A few days later, I walked in and Cecil was QUACKING LIKE A DUCK!!! ROFL I decided that maybe it was inhumane to make her watch/listen to the tape anymore and returned it to the video store. (I'd still like to purchase one, as I thought it was good for Cecil at the time--just maybe not 24/7 LOL LOL!).
Keupi and Deanna those are wonderful stories!You really made me laugh!:18::18::18:Thaks a lot for sharing your stories!
That's priceless Deanna!

Your story reminded me of Keupi's crush - his vet in NJ. (She didn't help matters either... kept referring to visits as 'dates' and calling him handsome - the nerve LOL).

He'd spot her across a crowded waiting room and wolf whistle and start perch dancing. Even with having his nails groomed, there he would be on his back and lovingly offer up his feet to the file as long as it was her all googly-eyed.

It was funny.
My little poi-guy Tucker is just starting to discover that wood is soooo very fun to chew. But he's getting the concept kind of wrong. I got him these wonderful pesticide-free apple tree branches for in his cage to perch on and he lovvvves to chew on these.

For some reason though, he will perch on the farthest skinniest part of the branch and chew on the part closest to the thick trunk of the branch until both Tucker and the Branch he was chewing on fall to the bottom of the cage. It's so funny when I go in to clean his cage up in the morning to see his progress on the next branch. Hopefully logic will click in soon for him or he'll have a few battle scars to show off to the lady birds someday hehehe
For some reason though, he will perch on the farthest skinniest part of the branch and chew on the part closest to the thick trunk of the branch until both Tucker and the Branch he was chewing on fall to the bottom of the cage. It's so funny when I go in to clean his cage up in the morning to see his progress on the next branch. Hopefully logic will click in soon for him or he'll have a few battle scars to show off to the lady birds someday hehehe

:DThats way too funny!:35::18::18:I'm sure logic will click in soon for him but if you worry that he might get hurt until then, then put on the floor of his cage something soft for him to fall on...:D
He'd spot her across a crowded waiting room and wolf whistle and start perch dancing. Even with having his nails groomed, there he would be on his back and lovingly offer up his feet to the file as long as it was her all googly-eyed.

It was funny.

Keupi your story is really funny and cute as well!He is a smart fid!:D
My little poi-guy Tucker is just starting to discover that wood is soooo very fun to chew. But he's getting the concept kind of wrong. I got him these wonderful pesticide-free apple tree branches for in his cage to perch on and he lovvvves to chew on these.

For some reason though, he will perch on the farthest skinniest part of the branch and chew on the part closest to the thick trunk of the branch until both Tucker and the Branch he was chewing on fall to the bottom of the cage. It's so funny when I go in to clean his cage up in the morning to see his progress on the next branch. Hopefully logic will click in soon for him or he'll have a few battle scars to show off to the lady birds someday hehehe

LOL ... Ashley, this is very funny. And, what's more is that my Cecil (Sennie) does the same exact thing (hasn't chewed far enough through the manzanita yet to be of concern)!
:DThats way too funny!:35::18::18:I'm sure logic will click in soon for him but if you worry that he might get hurt until then, then put on the floor of his cage something soft for him to fall on...:D

Nope. It only get's worse. One second on the sleeping perch (highest one) next second dive bombing a toy on the bottom. Big old crash, second of shock, then quietly foot and play with the 'prey' toy. It's big-bang birdie with bell toys.

It's so funny though, Ashley. Is he just 'dropping' and climbing back or is he now dropping, landing, and then looking around with the idea of 'well as long as I'm here what can I play with next?'
It's so funny though, Ashley. Is he just 'dropping' and climbing back or is he now dropping, landing, and then looking around with the idea of 'well as long as I'm here what can I play with next?'

Yeah he kind of just looks around like "Hey! How did that happen? Aw well, what else is there to play with??" He's a little trooper :D
I keep forgetting to post this one, though it's one of Keupi's best moments...and one of my open up the floor now and embrace me into the gates of he&&.

I had brought Keupi home about a month earlier and his brand new carrier (special ordered - still in use today) had arrived. He hadn't had an outing since being to the vet (normal new stuff) so I thought it would be great to take him back to the store, buy more food, and give him an outing.

The store loves and welcomes visits from their 'babes.' Luckily, the person who primarily had hand-fed him was there and she immediately reconnected with him, took him out of his carrier, on the shoulder - it was Keupi Day as far as he was concerned (though, another story later - he had an actual one at Mom's school).

At the store, for obvious reasons, those with pierced ears can only wear studs. As she's walking around the store with Keupi on her shoulder saying Mommy's going to get you this, Mommy's going to get you this, and 'Mom' putting this and this in her basket, we didn't notice what Keupi was doing.

The next thing I see as she turns (gently) with him is her stud in his foot and he's beaking it very happily. She never noticed and now there was an all store lookout for the back (and panic by me... did he swallow it). We got the earring away from him (not fun) and she put him on a t-stand on the counter while the search was on for the earring back.

After what was probably moments (felt like hours), the earring back was found and then I heard laughter... lots of laughter.

She and I turn around and we see my little darling, sitting not on the T-stand, but on top of the parrot cookie bowl (the one where they give a treat to the parronts to give the fids after grooming) calmly munching upon a cookie that he had reached in and picked up all by himself.

Wait... I could have lived with that. But what had me welcoming the almighty whatever was when he dropped that one and then reached back into the bowl and started munching another!
yep :rolleyes:Doodles is a funny parrot alright.Today was a first, but always surprises for sure.
I was resting in bed watching a netflix movie. Doodles was chillin' on top of the cage as usual. Spends time out more than in it. I fell asleep during the movie...snoring and dreaming away, when suddenly I felt a familiar nibble on my arm that woke me. Guess who. Doodles must have jumped down from the cage and traveled across the room, climb upon to my bed and woke me up without making a Once I got fully awake I took Doodles to the bathroom, to the mirror for a minute of admiring himself.herself the to tub onto basket handle for the misting spray s/he loves. Steps up to hand as I cover with a wash cloth for drying...this goes smoothly as usual. Then we shared some roasted sweet potato and green beans. Doodles throws a hissy fit if I don't share my meal. Will get all huffy, stamper back and forth and start throwing stuff onto the floor. It isn't and when in this kind of mood...I stay clear till the tantrum is over. Spoiled? yes! but was spoiled when I got her/him. So not my fault heheheh... I do love'em though. Has a mind of his/her own and expresses self very well. When wanting attention, just keeps repeating over and over come'mere ~come'mere...

My friend, my buddy 24/7 we spend together being I'm retired. Very entertaining birdie.



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My Cassie is making me laugh so hard this morning at her antics. I'm playing a computer game and she's sitting beside me on the computer desk. She wants my attention soooooo bad. I've been giving her lots of cuddles she wants but, no cuddle time is ever long enough this morning. Sooooo, she first backs her butt up to the computer printer and starts talking and pinning her eyes. Then she meep meeps lorikeet imatations
, and then pecks and walks o
n my keyboard. (yep she did it again).

When that didn't work she decides to roll over on her back on the computer desk by herself which I've only seen her atempt to do once on her cage. This time, she made it onto her back all the way, just to get my attention. hehe. We've been working on that trick for so long and she finally did it by herself just to get more cuddles. LOL. She is soooo adicted to cuddles. It was so funny seeing her try so hard to get my attention.

Awwww she just walked up to me and said "I love you". Gotta go cuddle my baby. :rainbow1:

---- Kimberley
Re: Funny poicephalus stories - taco salad

So I decided to make tacos tonight. Shells were cooked and placed with the fillings on the table. As always, Sidney eats dinner with me on a small table perch. I give him little tidbits off my plate so that he can share in what I am eating. I gave him half an almond to keep him occupied while I went to the fridge to get the sauce and sour cream. Suddenly I hear the flutter of wings followed by CRUNCH! That microwave "beep!" he always makes when something happens that startles him echoed from the table. Oh, no....

Guess he wanted those taco shells a lot more than he wanted that almond. Landed right on them and smashed 3 of the 4 I had prepared. I found him standing straight up next to the plate with his eyes pinned and head angled so he could eye the destruction on the plate and table. He looked quite pleased with himself when he saw me and gave me that quick opening and closing of his beak several times that he does. As for my tacos, I just broke up the shells to bite sized pieces and made taco salad instead. Just as good, I suppose. Even if flavored with feather dust.

Brat! You just can't take your eyes off of them for a moment! :rolleyes:
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