I keep forgetting to post this one, though it's one of Keupi's best moments...and one of my open up the floor now and embrace me into the gates of he&&.
I had brought Keupi home about a month earlier and his brand new carrier (special ordered - still in use today) had arrived. He hadn't had an outing since being to the vet (normal new stuff) so I thought it would be great to take him back to the store, buy more food, and give him an outing.
The store loves and welcomes visits from their 'babes.' Luckily, the person who primarily had hand-fed him was there and she immediately reconnected with him, took him out of his carrier, on the shoulder - it was Keupi Day as far as he was concerned (though, another story later - he had an actual one at Mom's school).
At the store, for obvious reasons, those with pierced ears can only wear studs. As she's walking around the store with Keupi on her shoulder saying Mommy's going to get you this, Mommy's going to get you this, and 'Mom' putting this and this in her basket, we didn't notice what Keupi was doing.
The next thing I see as she turns (gently) with him is her stud in his foot and he's beaking it very happily. She never noticed and now there was an all store lookout for the back (and panic by me... did he swallow it). We got the earring away from him (not fun) and she put him on a t-stand on the counter while the search was on for the earring back.
After what was probably moments (felt like hours), the earring back was found and then I heard laughter... lots of laughter.
She and I turn around and we see my little darling, sitting not on the T-stand, but on top of the parrot cookie bowl (the one where they give a treat to the parronts to give the fids after grooming) calmly munching upon a cookie that he had reached in and picked up all by himself.
Wait... I could have lived with that. But what had me welcoming the almighty whatever was when he dropped that one and then reached back into the bowl and started munching another!