Funny stories

Japie finally "got" the treatball (well actually its one of those cat-snack-balls).
This morning he was rolling it around the bottom of the cage and happily snacking away.
(It's been there for 3 months on and off and all of a sudden ...he noticed it)

Greys are infuriating like this: ignore something for ages and then just take to it like it's always been there...

Deductive reasoning in parrots? They don't even to test something / the trial and error you would expect/- they just figure it all out in their tiny heads?!?!
I saw this thread and thought it would be funny to post some of the antics of our TAGs. Tilly and Elliot came from the same home, not and girl but not a mates pair but very bonded. Tilly likes Elliot as long as Ellliot stays on Elliott's cage. Tilly vocabulary is massive,it far surpasses anything our CAG can do. The TAGs love to reenact little scenes that took place in their last home. Tilly will make a loud door knocking sound, El then responds with the most obnoxious "Whaaaaaat!!!!" you could ever imagine . Tilly than lets loose with a full blown woman screaming voice, real barn burner, it was some argument they heard. There were teenagers in the last home,we think that had something to do with it. They do other scenes ,but with a massive amount of swearing involved. We are just so amazed with how good they work together to perform it lol.


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Hi I have a 5mth African Grey, his cage is in the kitchen so every time we have lunch or dinner or even if i get a cookie , he will fly right to me or to my plate and try to get some from what i am eating . So i am offering him a piece from my plate or cutting a piece from my cookie to give it to him and he wont have it .. He wants to eat directly from the plate as i do or if i have the cookie in my hand he wants the one i am eating not the piece i am offering .. Me and my daughter each afternoon at dinned we do more laughing than eating with his behaviour ... He is so persistent and angry when we wont let him have it ...Do your birds act like that .. is that normal ?
Itā€™s normal behavior.
flock creatures want to do the same thing at the same time.
Because your Grey is so young itā€™s still learning what is/isnā€™t food, still wean so it learns from parents.
Dangerous to share food you have eaten from.
bacteria from your mouth is bad for your bird.
Something I posted somewhere else, last summer. Written from Scooter's POV.

This is Scooter. Scott likes to post stories that he thinks are funny, but he went upstairs and left the laptop on, this is my chance to tell you how things really are.

Today was a perfect example. He was wearing those baggy pants when he came up to get me, so I knew he'd be home all day. That's fine, I know I should spend time with him, or he'll get stressed and lonely. He put strawberries in my breakfast again, but did I yell at him? No, I did not. I just picked them out and tossed them against the wall, as a reminder for him that strawberries aren't breakfast food. After a while, I could tell it was warm outside, so I let him know and he took me out. It could have been a nice time for both of us, but he couldn't leave it at that.

OK, so my feathers might produce a little bit of dust. That's why they got that air filter they run all day. And it's not like I don't bathe, I just like to do it in my water bowl. And so what if it gets a few drops of water on their precious floor? They have a mop, I've seen it.

He took me outside, he didn't spend more than a half hour scratching my head feathers, and then he put me in that cage he keeps outside. He sprayed me. With water. I tried to hide, but everywhere I went, he followed me with that horrible orange sprayer thing, and he sprayed and sprayed until my feathers were dripping.

I am an adult, perfectly capable of deciding when and where I take a bath. Tell him. Tell him this is parrot abuse. Tell him if I want to take a bath, I can do it myself. Tell him I won't put up with this. And tell him to stop putting strawberries in my breakfast. They're fine as an occasional treat, but they're not breakfast food.
Bella as a CAG is good at imitating sounds.
One of the sounds she has down cold "pun intended" is the opening of a soda can.
When she hears the sound of the ice dispenser in the refrigerator, she knows a soda can will likely be opened and so she will make the sound.

Today we (son and I) came back from a trip to the grocery store.
When carrying in a 10 pack of 7-up Bella saw the box and immediately made the soda can opening noise.

She also makes two other sounds an aluminum can makes.
If you squeeze an empty can just enough to dent the side it makes a noise, Bella imitates that.
The "tock" noise an empty can makes when you set it down, she can make that noise also.
So my husband and I just recently adopted Charlie the Grey.

Heā€™s use to fresh fruits and veggies - likes a lot of leafy greensā€¦ well he just wasnā€™t having it the other day. Gave him spinach leaves with a couple other things. Well he threw the leaves out and grabbed a piece of cauliflowerā€¦ I told him donā€™t throw it.. so he put it in his water bowl.
Bella has started saying two new things.

ow that hurts.
Donā€™t bite me.

the firs is obvious where she got it.
but I say the second one to the Twins when feeding them.
I have to reach in the cage for feeding and Luna will give me a nasty bite on my arm if not careful.
This is my first comment in the AG thread. My husband and I are owned by a 10 year old CAG, whom we adopted about 4 yrs ago from my friend who no longer could keep her. The night we brought her home we were given all these instructions of "she will let you know when she wants to go to bed" etc. So around 7:30 that night Skylar said to us "time for bed", so I went over, gave her a gold fish cracker said goodnight to her and while I was covering her up, she said to me and my husband "will I see you tomorrow" husband and I just looked at each other and I said to Skylar..."yes we will see you tomorrow". To this day she has never said it again. That was amazing to us, she was our first bird and never had experience with birds and especially with a actually brought tears to our eyes when she said that.
Have so many cute stories of her. Now we have a amazon blue front and he will scream loudly and Skylar with say "shhh shhh" to him!
Jody, Skylar and Reggie :green::grey:

The first night we brought Charlie (CAG) home he looked at us and very clearly said ā€˜Goodnightā€™ as he settled in for bed.

Last night the little stinker didnā€™t want to go to bed (we are working on it but right now we canā€™t pick him up on his cage). He picked up ā€˜go homeā€™ means he has to go in because we have to leave and ā€˜go to bedā€™ or ā€˜itā€™s bedtimeā€™ is bed. He sits on his door so usually he will duck inside the door and let my husband shut it.

Wellā€¦ he ducked inā€¦ my husband told him he was a good boy and last minute he stuck his head back out to climb up, blew a raspberry and laughed at him.

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