Funny stories


New member
Dec 6, 2006
Albany, NY
Cricket -C.A.G
CAG/TAG Funny stories

Ok, I think we should all have a place to write about some of the funny things our birds do. I saw, on a web page, a list of short stories people wrote in about a funny, or creative things, or just something they wanted to get off their chest; with out have to deal with those people (non-bird owners) who just don't under stand why we find this kind of stuff amusing. Like my mother tells me, "Gosh, you talk about your animals like they are you kids. I'm I ever going to have real grandchildren?"

I can start with one:

I really don't have any good ones yet, although yesterday it was funny when she was sitting on my lap and I was nibbling on some cheese, and sharing some tiny little pieces with her, that she decided that I wasn't fast enough or the pieces weren't big enough, who knows. Anyways she walks up my leg looks at me, cocks her head, I of course ask her what she is doing, she then turns bites into the bag and proceeds to try and drag it away.
Funny little bird

I will try and find that site again, had some funny stuff
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Re: CAG/TAG Funny stories

Hahahaha there are some great stories on there,

Right here's one of mine,

When the dogs or cats are outside I ask Bucc where they are, he will then whistle to them (I can't whistle), they come in and he promptly tells them to "get on your bed go on". A few days ago my Dad came to visit, he asked where Jemma was (my daughter) and Bucc starts to whistle calling her "Come on then" , at that moment Jemma came downstairs to which Bucc responded "get on your bed go on"

Of course my Dad thought this was hilarious and burst into laughter, now Bucc will do it and after telling them to get on their bed, he roars with laughter. Now if we are ever out of his sight for a second, he starts all over again. :D
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Silly Bird

Ok, this is how weird my bird is...
She has a "toy box" with sticks, blocks, huge wood beads, vine balls thingies and plastic circles from a craft store.
She like to chew all the wood pieces, shread the vine ball, toss the beads and fling the rings.
Anyways the plastic rings are the only this that have color. One of the colors being purple... this may just be me over thinking things but... she only tosses all the purple rings out of her basket. Now the other day I noticed that she likes to eat her pellets by color :rolleyes: leaving the purple pellets in the bowl or on the floor for me to step on :16: she has nothing but purple pellets left in her bowl... silly bird
Maybe she doesn't like the color purple who knows, but I thought it kind of funny and I thought I would share.
That's so funny because Iniko will leave the purple ones in his bowl and toss them around his cage. They must have something against the color purple!

This story happened a little after he was a year old. It was quite obvious that he caught onto the fact that when the cell phones ring we go after them. So while I was at work one day my wife was at home alone. She heard a phone ringing in the living room. When she got to the living room it would stop. She then returns to what she was doing in the bedroom. Well then she hears the phone ringing again and goes running to the living room so she wouldn't miss the call this time. As soon as she gets there there's no more ringing. On the third time she calls me and I answered. "So you have your phone with you because I thought you left it here, it's been ringing somewhere in the living room all morning." I said, "No I have my phone." Then I hear her say, "Oh, Iniko you little monster!"
:18: :18: That is just too funny, Bucc will do the phone ring but will then say Hello, and have a conversation with himself. When I'm on the phone he waits for a while then says "okay bye" if I don't hang up there and then he gets really stressy.:18: :18:

I have been keeping an eye on Bucc and the pellet thing, the won't eat any of the purple ones either, and won't play with any of his purple hoops I've strung on his Java Tree. Hmmmmmmm wonder what it is with Greys and the colour purple.
Yeah, nowaday he will have conversations with himself and you hear both sides. He rings, answers, mumbles, talks, mumbles, okay bye, "CLICK".

It's so funny.
So someone should tell the pellet people to stop putting in purple ones!
we are really finding it fun how fast our grey learns things - also realizing we should be careful about what is said around him! So far he is meowing and barking - he says hello, hello Tiki, COME-COME-COME (our dog requires multiple calls:) ) and asks for beer! "Tiki beer?"
Einstein likes to call and whistle for our dogs and he seems to know which one is outside. Usually it's Max since he's the one that always wants to go outside (and inside, then out, in, out, in, out...). I'll open the door and immediately he'll whistle or yell "MAX!!!" One day my husband had let Max in and Maia was still out there. He opened the door and Einstein yelled "Maia!" (he yells her name a little quieter, Max doesn't listen very well). Rocky, on the other hand, yells for Rhett. We don't have a dog named Rhett. His previous owners did. He's finally learned Maia's name but still prefers to use Rhett. All people are named Darin too.

Greys can be little stinkers thats for sure.

Mine likes to call the dog over to the kitchen island (unfortunately that is where one of his tree gyms is at, his choice, not mine) and/or he will wait for the dog to come over and get some food or water and then BAMMMM drop a toy on the dog and then bark at her. :eek: The Little stinkpot.
Hi, I'm a new member and this is my 1st post. Very interesting that several of you mention that your bird does not like the purple ones. My grey doesn't like them either, but sometimes changes his mind and eats them. He seems to eat his food by colors. He likes the green and yellow most,then the red, orange, and tosses out the purple. He is 4 yrs old and has a hugh vocabulary.
Color Preferences in birds is a very interesting topic. I have a grey too and she seems to prefer the color yellow in the toys. I do not purchase colored pellets or other foods. She really lilked the yellow comfy corner I put in the cage but had to remove as she was working on the tie strings a little too agressively. I know the famous grey Alex could tell the difference in colors and did know purple.
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How they make us laugh !!!
Whenever Mishka walks towards the couch to bite it I say Oh stop it don't do that
Yesterday I was in the kitchen cooking, she was in the lounge on her playpen.
We were busy chatting away, then she become very quiet.
I walked into the lounge, she had stepped off her playpen and was nearby the couch, I said what are you doing?
She replied oh stop it don't do that, don't do that mommy !!!
It was hilarious:)
Take care
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I had my grey about a year when I decided to run to the gas station one night so I wouldn't have to stop in the morning. I did not know yet that parrots NEED to be on their cage or at least see it when it gets dark. I only had to go about 10 blocks to the gas station and Corky was really freaking out, peeping, flapping, and getting on top of my head (ouch!). Just as I got to the station a cop pulls up behind me because I was driving funny and when he walked up to the window and saw me with my hair all wild from Corky and him on my head..he just said never mind and walked away. I laughed all the way home. Figure he didn't know how to write it up, huh? I didn't take my babies out after dark after that, poor baby. We've travelled with them, but always cover their portable cages at dusk. Then they are okay.
Who is calling who ???
Mishka my AG 2 years old imitates my voice down to a T now.
When my sons are home she calls them Sean come here please SEAN
Sean comes into my office mom you called?.
Told him I did not, he swears that I did.
Hilarious at first !!!!
Now when I call my guys, they ignore me. :18:
LoL, at least Mishka does not ignore me.
Take care
Hi norenekey.
Crazy story had a good laugh !
The cop probably suspected you were under the influence LoL
Wonder what Corky thought of the encounter :)
Be safe
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I had to share this, it took me by surprise this morning lol.

Next door has a little dog - like the dog "nipper" in the HMV slogan listening to the old fashioned gramaphone. Anyway this dog is often in his garden next door and I guess he barks though it's not the kind of bark you notice as not often he does bark and it's low pitched. This morning after the birds had been given their breakfast I was sitting here with a cuppa and I heard next door's dog bark his usual low quietish bark and just happened to look up and there was Beau with his beak moving, yes you guessed it the dog was nowhere to be seen! So funny how close to the real thing it is lol

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