Gender help!


New member
Mar 10, 2024
Lucy - Female pied
Ricky - Male Pearl Pied
This is Ricky! Heā€™s 35 days old! I know it can be difficult to visually determine gender is some mutations but Iā€™d just like to see what everyone thinks this little one is before I get him DNAā€™d! Then Iā€™ll come back and post an update!

First photo will be his/her parents for reference.

Mom: Cinnamon pearl
Dad: Iā€™m not 100% on him so if you can help on him as well.. Iā€™m thinking heā€™s:
Grey Split To Pied {X2: Lutino}
Because my little chick is bald behind his crest. Let me know what you think!

Hereā€™s my chick!

So based on the photos, if you had to take a guess just for fun.. what would you say Rickyā€™s gender is? And what do you think dad is based on his visual mutations/coloring?

thinking male, based on the very pronounced cheek redness, but a gender test is only like 10 bucks, look up florida parrot sexing.
I would guess female.
thinking male, based on the very pronounced cheek redness, but a gender test is only like 10 bucks, look up florida parrot sexing.
I like guessing myself.
my two Amazons remain un DNAā€™d .
I think they are male/female but I like watching their behavior. Especially now when their hormones are kicking in.
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thinking male, based on the very pronounced cheek redness, but a gender test is only like 10 bucks, look up florida parrot sexing.
Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking because cinnamon pearl is a sex-linked mutation. Since mom was a cinnamon pearl, any cinnamon pearls produced would automatically be male UNLESS dad also has cinnamon then it would be 50/50. But I canā€™t tell if the dad is cinnamon or normal gray pied. The rest of the chicks that were in Rickyā€™s clutch: 1 cinnamon and 1 Lutino not sure of any other mutations they have because I didnā€™t really examine them much.
I will for sure be getting him DNAā€™d here soon cause the suspense is killing me lol! His behavior and even his very loud whistling says male but he also loves to cuddle, give kisses and is a pirate perch! He canā€™t go too long without whistling and pacing for me to come grab him so he can sit on my shoulder. Maybe heā€™s that way now because heā€™s only 35 days old? Honestly thereā€™s no telling! My female seems to be ok with him so far and they call at each other and eat together but sheā€™s very territorial inside the cage with him. Iā€™ve only let him hang out in there with her a few times while I supervised, theyā€™re in separate cages otherwise. Sheā€™s 3 months old. Sheā€™s also somewhat gotten a bit aggressive towards me even though I hand reared here since she was 3-4 weeks old.
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I like guessing myself.
my two Amazons remain un DNAā€™d .
I think they are male/female but I like watching their behavior. Especially now when their hormones are kicking in.
Hormones are crazy! I didnā€™t think I had much to worry about yet since both of mine are still so young but man was I wrong! My 3 month old female started raising her tail up to the male and has been using her bowl as a device for pleasure! Anytime I got near the bowl sheā€™d gets defensive over it lol! I had to keep her cage covered and the house dark (curtains closed) over 12 hours a day for 3-4 days and noticed much improvement. Was pretty easy since I work. She hasnā€™t done anything with her bowls anymore other than use them to eat and drink and hasnā€™t done the tail lifting thing either.
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thinking male, based on the very pronounced cheek redness, but a gender test is only like 10 bucks, look up florida parrot sexing.
Def getting him/her DNAā€™d. I just had my other one (3 months old-Gray Pied) sexed and she turned out to be a hen.

Can you tell what the dad could be? A normal gray pied split with lutino or does he look cinnamon to you? The only way my chick can be a hen is if dad is also a cinnamon split pearl otherwise since mom is the cinnamon pearl and itā€™s a sex-linked mutation she would only produce cinnamon pearl males. Thinking the lutino was the only female in that clutch and thatā€™s also a sex-linked mutation. Pretty sure that came from the dads side.
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Update: I ordered the DNA kit from IQ Bird testing last night and should be here this week!
New developments that have happened OVERNIGHT!! Ricky is now bobbing his head up and down and taps things with his beak! Heā€™s all of a sudden super hormonal and will back up out of no where and rush me if heā€™s on me. Heā€™s been trying to get to my 3 month old hen so I have them separated and extra dark time to calm them down. He was the sweetest baby up until yesterday šŸ˜­ theyā€™ve never been caged together nor have they had much interaction! I just brought Ricky home on Thursday night. Iā€™m 99% heā€™s a cock but will still be doing the DNA to solidify it.
This is Ricky! Heā€™s 35 days old! I know it can be difficult to visually determine gender is some mutations but Iā€™d just like to see what everyone thinks this little one is before I get him DNAā€™d! Then Iā€™ll come back and post an update!

First photo will be his/her parents for reference.

Mom: Cinnamon pearl
Dad: Iā€™m not 100% on him so if you can help on him as well.. Iā€™m thinking heā€™s:
Grey Split To Pied {X2: Lutino}
Because my little chick is bald behind his crest. Let me know what you think!
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Hereā€™s my chick!
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So based on the photos, if you had to take a guess just for fun.. what would you say Rickyā€™s gender is? And what do you think dad is based on his visual mutations/coloring?

It's so hard to tell it's sex at this age but my guess is female
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It's so hard to tell it's sex at this age but my guess is female
Yesterday he started tapping with his beak and bobbing his head up and down. Heā€™s been showing all male behaviors. Totally different than my hen!

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